eAustrian RL meeting

Day 938, 15:19 Published in Austria Austria by PrinceOfAustria

Poland has organized huge meetings in the past, with a few houndred people coming, and now was our turn.
After hours of organizing, chosing a location, texting all participants, we managed to finally be ready in time.
The result was overwhelming. A lot of discussion about RL & eAustria, about politics, some blaspheme on other players, it was so much fun!
After litres of alcohol, deep in the middle of the night, the meeting finally dissolved!
If you don't want to miss this the next time, PM PrinceOfAustria, we want our next meeting to be even better!

This is a (terribly bad) group photo of everyone who was there:
Please note, we all actually look way better in RL O_o xD

Now to be a bit more serious.
It indeed was fun, though, there were only 4 of us 😛
We didnt drink that much alcohol, and also we left at ~7 PM due to personal reasons xD
However, we're gonna do this again, and we want to improve the meeting!
Maybe next time even 5 people will show up 😛

Wilhelm, Boro, and Princess, it was really nice spending the afternoon with you ^___^
