eAustralian Prime Minister Address #3 - eNZ Training War

Day 1,330, 04:38 Published in Australia Australia by DocterDry

Official Government Communique

Dear my fellow citizens,

There has been much misinformation spread about our proposed training war with New Zealand. This misinformation is being spread for only one purpose: to undermine my regime and the outstanding successes we have achieved in such a short time.

My strong relationship with New Zealand has enabled me to broker a training war with our neighbours - a logical development of our close borders. For those who are not aware, the training war will be achieved by both Australia and New Zealand declaring Natural Enemy on each other (but with friendly intentions, that is, both governments will ensure regions will not change hands by issuing appropriate orders to their armies and citizens). It was never the intention for an NE to be passed at this momment but we have made prepations in the event that it does pass. If possible senators should vote no

Unfortunately, my latest advice shows that due to an eRep bug, NZ cannot NE with Australia for another 6 days as they remain stuck in an NE with Argentina. Crusadercarl has advised me that the training war can proceed regardless and Australia will enjoy the NE bonus.

Most importantly, several of our allies are engaged in important conflicts at the moment and still require our assistance at times. The ADF has been advised to prioritise important battles for our allies, and the training war is only a safety net measure for our troops when there are no important battles.

The benefits to a training war are well known - our citizens will be able to gain a 10% bonus on influence and rank for all fighting in battles of the training war.

The logistics of the training war will be as follows:

- Australia will attack Otago first at approximately the day 1331 00:00 (tomorrow Aus time) - Australia will lose this battle. I trust the military AND militia will observe this arrangement.
- New Zealand will then attack Tasmania and lose this battle.
- the parties will then repeat these attacks accordingly.

I thank my fellow citizens for their patience and understanding during these negotiations which can be quite complex as we seek to hammer out each and every detail to ensure nothing goes wrong in the training war. Previous training wars have actually damaged country relations due to poor planning, and I don’t want to repeat those past mistakes.

In regards to those subversive elements of the Parliament and media who seek to cause only mischief and confusion I say: pull your heads in and put Australia first instead of your own grandstanding interests. I am committed to building a strong relationship with our allies, and our close friend and neighbour New Zealand to ensure local political stability.

P.S Thanks to Crusadercarl for pointing this out. We also receive a benefit of a .5 training boost.

Your dedicated Fuhrer, DocterDry.