eAus- The RPA is sorry

Day 820, 13:30 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

On behalf of myself and my team I would to apologise for this montsh disgraceful behaviour at the Polls.
The behaviour carried otu by both sides was unpatriotic and downright nasty at points. And for this the RPA as a party is sorry.

But I am sorry as well, I've never been involved in flame wars like this since AW graced our shores. I was carried away in the moment and allowed political fighting to take place over the election and it's message. This cost my the election.
and for that I am sorry to Will, Callum the voters and all press readers for having to lower our national standards to that level of Pig-disgustingness.

The RPA is reborn as a new Party so this mont the same hideous amoutn of trolling wont re-occuer.
