eAmerica The Beautiful and Israel Stevens

Day 1,472, 23:22 Published in USA USA by TDavis3000

Evening readers,

Someone told me today that it's a tough time to be an eAmerican citizen. Old grudges linger. We can't seem to recover our states from invaders.

However, perspective creates reality. Let's look at this in another light:

We're finally talking about the things that bother us, instead of bottling up these fires until they explode. We have an up-and-coming party to challenge the USWP and keep it honest. The arrival of the AMP as a force for democracy and representation will hopefully stir up the stagnating political scene.

AND..... AND!!!!!!


Want to know what I think? Things aren't so bad here in the eUSA, after all. Now, I caught up with the legendary war reporter (and current AMP Party President) who wrote that last article, Israel Stevens. He stays very busy, though, so I had to interview him between rounds at the firing range....

TDavis3000: What inspired you to lead the AMP?

Israel Stevens: I got involved during Haliman's final term, as the Communications Director. I had no idea what I was doing, but the party was desperate for a Comms guy. I liked writing, and Haliman held my hand, and walked me through it. I filled the same role for both of Kria's administrations as well, and that's when I decided I would run for PP. Much as I love Kria, the very end of her second term, the leadership just wasn't there. Having done this for a month and a half, I can totally sympathize. But, I felt like I had a lot more to offer the party, than just writing articles, and sending messages. So, I ran.

TDavis3000: What do you prefer about the AMP to any other parties you may have been in, if any?

Israel Stevens: The AMP was the only party that I have been active in. I spent time in SEES towards the end, as it was dying. And I was in the Libs briefly. I also joined the UIP to try and keep them in the top 5. But, until the AMP came along, I had never gotten involved in party politics. I think that the best part of the AMP, is how our members have really come together. It's not secret, that there is somewhat of a divide between the Executive, and the JCS. But, when I see Special Forces, Seals, Training Corps, National Guard, Mobile Infantry, Army, Airborne, Marines, Bad Company, and even Easy Company members in this party, it makes me realize that all that petty bullshit is only at the top. And that in the rank and file, we can come together, and work for the betterment of the nation.

TDavis3000: What are we doing to become #1 in members? How can the average AMPer help this effort?

Israel Stevens: Becoming number 1 is incredibly difficult. There are so many people, that join this game, play for a day or two, and then die off. Our population numbers are bloated. And there are even more that just want to do their own thing. Work, train, kill some Serbs. That being said, the best way for the average AMPer to help us become stronger, is to get your friends to join. The people that you are friendly with, in game. Whether they are your platoon mates, or just some one that you've shared a laugh with on IRC. Recruiting is much more effective on a personal level. I can message 1000 random people, and it's just spam. But if I can tell my friend, "Hey man, you should join the AMP. I'm having a great time!" Or something to that effect, that is 100 times more effective. It's personal, and my opinion is actually valued to my friend.

TDavis3000: Are you a burger or brat man?

Israel Stevens: Oh man... I love brats... But a good burger? Takes the cake every time. I would take a burger as my last meal. Hands down.

There you go, folks. One last round of applause for our guest: