eAmerica insults Armenians!!!

Day 2,265, 04:09 Published in Greece Armenia by Internetus Internetian

So my last article got deleted by the admins. Not suprising, anyone keeping up to date on my paper probably has noticed that admins delete most of my articles. Anyways, I am rewriting this, this time hopefully it doesn't get deleted. I think it is important that the eworld sees the current eAmerican government for what it is. This type of backwards behavior can not be tolerated. For many years, many ecountries have backed the Armenian community on erepublik for the addition of an eArmenia. So far the only hostile ecountry to our efforts has unsurprisingly been eturkey, but then again what to expect from the gazan azg? Anyways, this situation has changed. Now for the first time, an ecountry has given hostile dialogue with the Armenian community. Recently, I have been trying to reestablish the relationship with eAmerica. So far, it has been a failure. If it was not bad enough that they were given the turks a safe base to run their political parties, and newspapers, now they are helping eAlbania. Recently this is the response I have had from two major parties in eAmerica, one of them being the current president.

Here is the Fed response. I later confirmed this with a Fed official on the Fed channel, and he repeated the same thing:

Here is the USWP reponse from the current president of eAmerica:

As you can see the character of eAmerica...

Armenian Perspective

As you can see, eAmerica is no longer a friend of the Armenian community. Their insulting language and their new friendship with eturkey shows their hostility. Armenians all over erepublik should treat the eAmerican government with this in mind, and also work with other opposition parties and potential leaders in eAmerica to counter this.

Serbian Minority
Their is a very strong racism in eAmerica against Orthodox peoples. This can be seen very clearly with the Serbian minority community in eAmerica. They are constantly ridiculed and excluded from eAmerican society. Anytime a Serbian speaks up, he is claimed to be a PTOer and an enemy. This ill treatment can not be tolerated.

Suggested Course Of Action
I call on eSerbia(and all states afflicated with eSerbia) and eGreece to put pressure on eAmerica to stop this. If necessary , I propose an invasion of eAmerica. Liberating the lands of North America would be good for eSerbia and eGreece, as well as the oppressed peoples in eAmerica. I also suggest that eRussia reconsider their relations with eAmerica. I think eRussia would have a lot more to benefit as allies with eSerbia and eGreece. It would make more sense for eRussia, an Orthodox country, to ally with two strong and powerful Orthodox ecountries, instead of continuing relations with eAmerica, which is politically very unstable and can barely hold their own lands.

With the fall of TWO, I hope to see the growth of eSerbia and eGreece relationship, and I hope to see eRussia join our efforts. I also hope to see an invasion of eAmerica to further our nations, to liberate our oppressed brothers, and to repay this insult against Armenians.

Hail to the new Orthodox Brotherhood!

The International Armenian is a publication from the Beta Days of Erepublik. The goal of the International Armenian has remained unchanged in its dual goal of promoting the addition of an eArmenia and gaining support of an eArmenia; also the goal of gathering the Armenian community across erepublik. If you know any Armenians, please tell them of this paper or direct me to them. If you are interested in helping and supporting the Armenian Cause, please leave a comment or message me.