e-Gardening Transforms Media Landscape

Day 5,313, 13:54 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
WHPR - e-Gardening Transforms Media Landscape

Day 5314
1.) Election Returns
2.) Gardening Updates
3.) Other Stuff

Election Returns

President Kody5 still driving that train.

The 54th Presidental election in these e-United State concluded with Kody5 of the Federalist Party cruising to a satisfying win with just about 55% of the vote. According to the idominatble numbers-meister Mister Y, there was a slight uptick in the number of citizens participating in the CP voting. There's a wee little trend going on there, if I'm not mistaken.

So that's cool, right?

Oh. But here's some really hot trend-spotting news! ickamikaza from the Terran party came in last again, with 4.26% of the votes cast, OK? BUT... he showed a HUGE increase in the number of votes in his favor. His tally rocketed from 2 in the May election to 11 in June! We reached out to the ancient and ertwhile commander of A N O N Y M O U S for a comment on his amazing 500%-plus increase in the vote. Communicating on scrambled, encrypted shortwave from his command post deep in Australian Outback, first he started yakking about how somebody Frankie once said "I did it my way". Then he asked if we wanted a bloody eye. Being polite, we just signed off with a simple "no thank you". I mean really.

But what an enigma! Who knows what mysteries July will bring!

Speaking of Federalism and its many wondrous ways, here' a little known fact about US Federal Law.

There's a literal shit-ton of things you cannot do to an eagle. Or in the e-United States, to an eee-eagle. Obviously you can't kill one. And you'd be in deep doo-doo, Federally-speaking, if you tried to relocate one from where it's living, or caused harm in any way to an eagle's nest. The oddest part of the Law -- and I'm not really sure how the Federalist Party would ever track this -- is the bit about how infecting eagles with any communicable diseases is a no-no.

Odd, yes? But I suppose you can't be too careful. And of course... theres's really no way around that kind of thing being ill eagle.


Gardening Updates

Yes, yes, I know, I was supposed to be setting a good example in the media in May. But I was busy. Besides. Tito Magnus did a magnificent job in May of reporting the world war news while simultaneously starting to manage an awesomely socialistical housing program. And Mister Y continued to dazzle us with e-demographic wizardry.

I was busy with other important stuff, OK? Not only with key tasks relating to tending the White House Garden. (More on that below.) But also. Bringing a dash of fine art and culture into the aesthetic cesspool that is e-Kentucky with some top-notch sand-statuary. (See above).

This piece I whipeed together over the course of several long afternoons graces the center of the roundabout in front of the East Portico. Obviously, it is meant to evoke the rising star of Asteria flipping the odds around on the fierce fishemen of CODE.

Is that cool, or what?

On the gardening front...

I am sad to report that the one stupid little celery that sprouted indoors failed to thrive when transplanted to the outdoor gardens. Stupid celery.

I mean. Really. Who eats that junk anyway? I'll tell you who. Rabbits! Goddamn rabbits! Furry little fuzz-balls. Little bastards. They make everybody think they're so cute and everything. Then. When you're not watching. Zip.. there go your carrots. Bing-bang-boom, that celery you worked so carefully to nurture? Gone with wind. Munch-munch-munch. Just like that, down the rabbit-gobble-gobble-hole.

Not to worry, though. There's plenty of good news from the White House Garden too.

Lots of spinach was harvested early on, along with fresh dandelion greens. That was great for keeping our Presidential Staff well-nourished in the early Spring. The beans and cucumbers are growing like mad now. And the mesclun, pac choi and chinese cabbage are coming up nicely too. So -- as long as we can all pull together to keep those pesky terrorist rabbits out of the White House garden -- the Executive should have plenty of good, healthy organic greens to munch on as they ponder how to do a zillion training wars, give stuff away to feed to hungry little ones, yak about "real war", and do whatever else it is they do.

I did put a motion-sensitive Go-Pro in the garden, hoping to catch a glimpse of the wee raiders. I'm afraid that the rabbit situation may be moving from bad to worse. Here's the frightening shot I pulled off the camera today...

Other Important Stuff

Does anybody really know what PQ is? Does anybody really care?

1. Use the right tool for the job!

2. What does it all mean? Don't mean sheeeit...

People often ask me, "How did PQ acquire his amazing wisdom?". So I asked myself and this is what I said...

After traveling around East Asia for many years, and then the East End for mamy months, he ended up driving a cab in Kabul before returning to the Bay Area in time to become an inspirational guru for impressionable young white people. His closest followers only eat PQ's Natural Brand Q7 Food and always subscribe, vote, comment and shout anything that he writes in eRepublik.

That's a fact.

There is also a rumor that he had a tempestuos relationship with a Rainy Devil Girl. What do you know about that? (People ask.) That is entirely untrue. PQ was often the third wheel on dates she had with certain radical charlatans and poets, but that's all.

3. What does PQ pull out of a hat?

4. Nov shmoz ka pop?

And remember...

Any question that can be asked can be answered. The riddle that does not exist is for an answer which cannot be expressed because the question cannot be asked.


The logic of language itself cannot be esily grasped. Language is a disguise for thought. And belief is simply a causal nexus for superstition. Philosophy is not a theory; it is an activity. If it doesn't upset you, then it's not philosophy. Most of what passes for philosophy is not false so much as stupid.

5. Is there any point to PQ's writings that exists outside of the pleasures attained by those who read it with some little understanding?

6. Wut?

xio, until next time, keep gardening... and watch out for those damn rabbits! -- PQ