E-Canada: A great nation!

Day 1,850, 19:14 Published in Canada Canada by Natster

E-Canada, The land of 4 a's, eh?

You'd have to have watched some Royal Canadian Airfarce to know that one!
Let me introduce myself. I am Natster, a proud e-Canadian. I believe in the values of Canada. The values that identify us as Canadian. The values that allow us to proudly wear our flag on our backpacks, toques, sweaters, and other personal affects. These values are diversity, freedom, well placed pride in things we care about, and an incredible generosity.

As Canadians, we know there have been times we have sacrificed a lot in helping other countries and nations. Fought in wars, and battles that we should have lost but won.

A fire rages in my belly. A fire to reach out and show these values can be transposed on this virtual environment. Even as our own parliament is fractured and divided on issues, and our parties are plenteous, there are people who misconstrue this as divided and frail. However, when it comes to the essentials, investing in our fellow citizens encouraging them to become more involved, I believe we can raise the bar. We need to realise that 400 voices all though individually weak together can cause a change. A change that can ripple through the entire nation.

I see a time coming when all issues don't have to be agreed upon, but all things need to come to a decision. Those decisions can cause rises and falls, but we can't go on and flaunt it either way. If I told you so attitude permeates, it destroys. When egos get in the way of decisiveness, it tears.

We need to stand behind our leaders through thick and thin. In every term. We shouldn't work towards their destruction, we should work towards their edification. Remember these equations:

Strong Leadership + Support = Great E-Canada
Poor Leadership + Support = Ok E-Canada
Strong Leadership + Poor Support = Tyranny/Fractured E-canada
Poor Leadership + Poor Support = Inactive Players, and regression

To E-Canada : A Great Nation!