Dude! The war isn't over yet! What are you doing!?!

Day 680, 03:40 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

So yesterday the Czech-Slovakia war games began. Wargames started to give some of the neutral, or less involved Eden countries a chance to train and gain experience. A novel pursuit.
When I saw this
"Spain signed an alliance with Slovakia"
The first thought that came to mind was....The war isn't over yet, what is Spain doing.
The war in Scandinavia has ravaged the country of Norway, and has the potential to damage Sweden greatly. What is Spain doing? As one of the greatest Eden powers, they've integral in saving Norway and the other Scandinavian countries from Russian Aggression.
They could do both, but it is siphoning damage away from the Scandinavian front.
Couldn't Spain have waited until the end of the war to jump in on these war games?

All I truly have to say is this...
Spain, the war isn't over yet. Get back in the game.