
Day 2,016, 15:52 Published in Ireland Japan by Loouman

I am writing today to encourage my countrymen. We have dedicated citizens who will fight to the last drop, but ATM we don't have a country.

Many people will consider this a catastrophe, and that it must be someone’s fault. You can read in many articles of someone blaming a person, a political party, or a military unit for all our troubles, but the question you have to ask yourself is what did i do? Did I do all that i could? Could I have made a difference? The answer to all that may have been yes but now are you going to give up because all your efforts failed or you going to get up brush yourself off and keep fighting. If your answer was no then, GTFU and do something. Everyone counts, each person does there own little part to be part of something bigger, and this something bigger is Ireland.

Ireland doesn’t exist right now in Regions but we are still here and have a prime opportunity to plan UN-interrupted for a better Ireland. We are continuing in Resistance fighting UK for Dublin as we should, think of it you ever see a drunk Irishmen take a punch an do nothing NO we punch the bitch back as hard as we can even if we know we to drunk to fight.

The problem right now is UK has 2488 citizens and 34 new mufti’s today oh crap i mean citizens. The do actually have 42 people online at the time of this article 2016-5:14, We have 516 citizens 4 new citizens an only 9 people online, straight numbers would tell one that UK will win every battle, but to make the problem worse we only have 3 alliances where they have 11, again with the numbers, they don’t work.

What we really need is more participation from the citizens we do have (I’m guilty too). We also need more help. The problem is we cant seem to agree on who’s help we need. Whenever there are opposing views to a situation one must look for common ground if the opposing arguments are from the same side. We have that WE NEED HELP that’s our common ground.
Now I’ve only been in Ireland a lil over a years now but Ive seen plenty articles and talked with many about which country’s have been good to us. In eRepublik leadership changes with every election whether it be mild or in PTO form, there is always someone new in leadership in other countries just like ours who want to make changes. So what we have to do is look at long term friendships that we have had and long time enemies an maybe consider why are they our enemy an is it beneficial to our cause or game position.

So I ask 2 questions and would like people to respond with there answer.

1. Which 3 countries have been the most faithful or beneficial to Ireland in the past.?
2. Which 3 countries have been our biggest enemy or problem for us (PTO etc.)

I believe if everyone really thinks about this and answers honestly we can have a pretty good idea on how the country feels.

but obviously i need some votes or know one will no the article exists. spread the word.
