Draw the Line

Day 1,072, 19:05 Published in South Korea France by Yonai Keiko

I began my eLife in the region of Gyeongsangnam-do on October 19th, 2008, Day 334 of the New World. At the time, my beloved South Korea was being occupied by Japan. Two weeks from my birth, three resistance wars were launched in the regions of Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Chungcheongnam-do. On that day I became a South Korean and I started to get involved in the formation of my newly liberated country. If I were to sit here and recount my personal history intertwined with the history of South Korea, the resulting wall of text would be readable only by the most devoted of historians. Instead, I shall discuss one of the most major concerns that has haunted South Korea from the moment it was liberated to this very day. And what concern is that, you might ask.

Political Takeovers.

These two words have defined the history of South Korea and that of almost every other small country in the history of the eWorld. Every month the congressional season brings a new wave of disgusting medal hunters, innocent fools, and malicious foreigners intent on taking over the nation and destroying, or arguably worse, hijacking, all that the community had worked so hard to create. You might doubt that we are truly ruled by these political takeovers. The past few months have been some of the most politically stable this nation has ever had. In the older days of our nation, though, there was never a moment in which we didn't have to fear for the safety of our nation on election day.

The Party.
The CIA.
The Turks.
The Poles.
The Hungarians.
The Theocrats.

The above list is merely a small sampling of some of the more significant groups that have attacked our nation in pre-Republic of 798 history. Of these groups, only two have ever successfully wrested control from the proper community. In the very first days of our nation, The Party and its totalitarian utopia took control of Congress and the Presidency. For a month they reigned, isolating any opponents to the regime while rewarding its supporters. However, they had their power taken from them by the Central Intelligence Agency, a supposed ATO branch of the United States government. Following the fall of The Party, over a year passed without a successful takeover. The community rallied together and defeated those who dared try their hand at taking control of our nation. Even in the next election that we lost to the Theocrats, the election was only lost by a single misplaced vote on behalf of South Korea. We have proven time and time again that we are not a nation to be trifled with, that we will put aside our differences and come together for the sake of the defence of our community.

We have proven all of this, and yet those who seek to do us harm still return to our nation. Where before these takeovers were obvious and unhidden, in modern times with the activity crash resulting from the failure of the Rising Module, potential takeovers in South Korea have become more subtle and hidden in the shadow of lies and deceit. But do not fool yourselves into thinking that we do not have enemies in our midst. For they are certainly there, and thought they may hold their charade of friendship to the sky, they exist only to serve their own purposes, not that of our glorious nation.

I have fought against political takeovers in South Korea and abroad, staying up to absurd times on election day securing direly needed votes for the oppressed nations of the eWorld. I will not stand by and allow a nation and its community to be destroyed for the benefit of a selfish group of foreigners. That has been my policy since the fall of The Party, and that will forever be my policy. So in these dire times in which foreign groups fight not only against the proper community but against each other, I am required to stand against these selfish individuals and point them out for what they are.

Before this month, the Macedonian players of eRepublik, numerous though they were, did not have a country to call their own. Their campaign for their own nation did not seem to be coming to fruition, and those that had not quite in exasperation wished to find a permanent home from which they could continue to benefit a society as they fought for their own nation. A large group of Macedonians came to the Administration during the Second Korean-Japanese War and asked if they could make South Korea their permanent home. Faced with a seemingly hopeless situation the Administration gratefully gave them permission. The Macedonians fought heavily for us against the Japanese and their efforts were clearly noticeable in addition to our friends in Russia's support in defeating the Japanese and retaking our rightful lands.

The months went on and the Macedonians continued to be faithful members of our community. Integrating with the Korean and English speaking parts of the nation, they made friends, business contacts, and allies. They began to run for office, alerting us that they wished to partake in the political process. Soon enough they had become a major, but not dominant, political force in the nation. They worked with the rest of the community on issues, while they continued working towards their end goal, the creation of Macedonia.

Eventually this dream of theirs came to fruition as the admins announced that they were going to add Macedonia, amongst other nations, to the game. The Macedonians once again informed us that they intended on leaving for Macedonia upon its creation. When Macedonia was created, the Macedonians left by the droves, holding their good relations and friendships with South Korea close. Even now our nations remain good friends. However, not all the Macedonians left. There were a group of Macedonians, notably led by Krale Marko, who remained intent on doing one thing, and one thing only. Taking control of South Korea from its proper community.

The community was aware of the efforts of the fringe group, and the serious threat they posed. Unbeknown to the community at large, our President Grease made a deal to defeat the remaining Macedonians in the elections. There were a number of Romanians, who had been hiding their connection to one another for quite some time, maneuvering themselves into various important political positions. These Romanians approached Grease and offered to give him additional votes if he agreed to let more of their fellow Romanians into the country. For the sake of winning the election, Grease agreed, once again without the consent of the community at large.

Grease defeated Krale Marko in the elections, but we were now faced with a larger problem. The combined Romanian and Macedonian presences in a nation plagued by local inactivity were and are extreme threats to our national security. Grease suddenly announced an alliance proposal with Romania, passed eight supporting votes and one lone dissenting vote. Our new relations with Romania were utterly out of the blue and interestingly enough coincided with the increased Romanian presence in the nation. Not only was the Romanian alliance not based on good relations, we have a history of opposition to Romania. The nation defeated our steadfast Russian allies and gave the final blow to a nation that had been pummeled on multiple fronts, split up between greedy resource-hoarding nations. The Romanians are also at odds with our good friends in Macedonia (not to be mistaken with the Macedonians attempting a takeover here in South Korea). There were no reasons to ally with Romania, and plenty of reasons not to, yet Grease and the Congress passed the proposal.

It seems that the Macedonians and Romanians in our nation believe our community to be one easily defeated and taken control of. They believe that citizens like myself, who have invested two years of their life into this nation will stand by as it is hijacked for their benefit. They believe that we will not stand up and fight back. What do I have to say to these beliefs?

Let's prove these bastards wrong.

"I have had it with there mother****ing foreigners in my mother****ing country." ~ Samu Elja Kson

-Yonai Keiko
Former President