Dr. Merkwurdigliebe OR How I stopped hating eRep and learn to love the vote-bomb

Day 918, 16:19 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Daniel Parker

I guess most people have noticed the article of Independent Party yesterday on the #1 spot with a staggering 200+ votes.
Yes, this was done with the help of quite some friends who´s name I never heard of. 😉

Off course the reason was to gain more attention for a new party, thus therefore hopefully resulting in more votes, and seeing the results (IP grew from 3 to 5 seats) the effort was not in vain.

Quite some people who I respect complained about the article being vote-bombed.
Therefore I feel to need to put down some form of explenation.

Dionysius said that he didn´t like the "new course" the party was heading...
Well... the party is only 1 week old, and to call the way how a PR-campaign went the ´course of a party´ I find not only a bit premature, but also a bit naïve (you´re still great though 😉)

Fact is: that most 2-clickers (which probably consists only of around 75% of our nation´s population) join the party on the top (I&W) without knowing what it actually stands for.
And the part who does take a more then half a second to decide; go for the one with the hahaha funny name which is like a drug (LSD anyone?)
"hahaha I join them, now I´m funny too!"

Now that is what I don´t find funny at all, this game is being dictated too much by either powerhungry elitists having a mandate by voting-sheep.
(I think IP has a right to some sheep as well 😛)

Garmr was the only person to make a funny and smart comment:

"Reported for spam! 😛

Nah just kidding.

If someone puts in the time and effort to spam his article through the whole of erep, he deserves some votes innit."

Damn right!
If your not strong you must be smart, that is the reason for this (I admit) quite aggressive PR campaign.

But at least I try to do something about what I see as the crazy power-balance in this country by supporting the Independent Party.
I´m just trying to do what I see as best for the country, for all those who disagree:

220 votes woohoo!

p.s. although it might be funny, I won´t vote-bomb this article ;p
p.p.s. please keep subbing because I´ve been waiting over 4 months for my MM medal, or I might have to ask my 10 gold back from Phoenix :/
p.p.p.s. Konrad: You might jump into the sack with Picard in an instant, but I´d preffer Janeway, or rather Dax <3