Double standard

Day 793, 23:16 Published in Colombia New Zealand by krzych32

Look at this link: (the bottom)

When anthony was banned there was no discussion. According to PDC, PDC broke the colombian law. Since when does one party have a right to decide if a law should be implemented or not? This just shows that PDC is using a double standard.

A responce to this quote from Phimases article:

"Creo que eColombia ha sido más que generoso con los extranjeros y sobre todo con Krizch ya que se le ha abierto la posibilidad de salir elegido numerosas veces al Congreso de nuestro país y jamás se le ha puesto un dedo acusador"

This is a stack of lies, the only reason I got where I am now in the colombian society is because of a few people that helped me along the way, here I would like to thank Jose Migue and Carlos Vasco for their help in the last 8 months, and because I never gave up. Every time I tried to do something new I had to fight agains the majority. PUR was the first party that allowed me to run for congress. I was planning to run from what is now PDC, but two days before the elections I was replaced with some new player because as I was told "its better to have a colombian then a pole."
The, when running for the party president for the first time, I was attacked that I will make PUR
pro-EDEN. What most of you don't know is that a few players went and asked Vasco to run again because they didn't want me to win. So no, the colombian majority was never kind to me and I had to work twice as hard to get anywhere. As to the other minorities how many of you remember people like Spade, or Robert W? And around 40 others like them? They have all been forced out of colombia during its first few months. Where in order to "protect" democracy, minorities were not allowed to participate in politisc. They all could not handle this situation and I remember them leaving one by one.