Dorian Greyhound - A Manifesto for Congress

Day 821, 11:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dorian Greyhound

Hello everyone!

In today's edition I'll be presenting my manifesto for the February 2010 congressional elections, both for United Kingdom Reform Party President, Steve Steinbeck's, consideration as well as the general consideration of all the voters.

At the moment, the region I am contesting is Northeast England - however, that may change if the party President decides to run me elsewhere (or, ultimately, not to run me at all). I've divided my presentation into two, easily readable sections: Who Is Dorian Greyhound? and What Do I Stand For?.

Who is Dorian Greyhound?

I'm a relatively new player, here on eRepublik. However, in the short time I've been here I believe I have proven myself to be active and, I hope, courteous. I choose not to participate in to-and-fro s and fighting as I believe in using diplomacy, rather than hot-headed, knee-jerk reactions.

To that end, all my posts on the forum are submitted only after significant thought has gone into the topic being discussed and the content I am contributing. Needless to say, I will not be changing this.

My involvement with the government is within the Ministry of Work with my role being that of a Military Supplier. In this capacity, I am charged with stocking military companies appropriately, something I have done consistently, except when instructed not to. Many of you may also know that I also handle the CivGun initiative, together with my colleagues in the ministry. While performing this role I have aimed to provide an efficient, fair, quick and helpful service to all involved. My level of activity is, once again, demonstrated here as I am on the organisation account, forums as well as IRC several times a day attempting to keep up with demand.

Any more information can be found on my wiki page.
What Do I Stand For?

This is why you're here. What exactly will I do? Aside from continuing to fulfill my Ministry of Work responsibilities as well as my work within the party, I will now have the added responsibility of performing actively in Congress - something I have no doubt I will be able to achieve.

With the war seemingly over, the time has come to start giving back to the British. Therefore, once all our original regions have been returned to us, I will work actively towards lowering that tax rate and bringing it back to decent levels. While war tax is fine during periods of war, during peace time, it stifles the economy. It is no secret that when prices rise, people are forced to purchase less in order to make ends meet. This means businesses run at a loss and are forced to close resulting in a loss of jobs and less money in the people's pockets. This is not acceptable.

On this note, I favour a review of the United Kingdom's expenditure to examine how, even during war time, we are able to increase efficiency and keep the people's money where it belongs.

With. The. People.

It's not about shutting down sectors where public funds are going, but about making sure that we have a return (whether financially, or otherwise) on our investment because I believe that every pence of public funds which is spent is an investment. Be it an investment in the country, in the economy or in the people.


In closing, folks, the United Kingdom has gone through some very strange times in this past month or so. There is no magic fix. Everything won't be perfect after the election. But we need capable hands and minds in Congress who can push all the reforms that the United Kingdom needs through and truly be a GREAT Britain. If you'll let me - I'd like to be those hands and one of those minds.

Dorian Greyhound

N.B. 1 - No 'Did You Know?' segment today as this is election material.
N.B. 2 - Those of you who have read earlier papers know that I am not in the habit of asking for votes/subscriptions, however - in this case all votes would be appreciated for the added publicity 🙂.