DoRD Update Part 2, Regional Chair Positions Open!

Day 326, 18:50 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

Okay, so I have the time now to write this article. Please refer to this article for more info, its very important -

The Regional Chair Position will be divided into several regions. I am setting them up to contain appx. 250-350 citizens each, give or take a few. They are as follows-

New England - Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts
New York - New York (stand alone)
Mid Atlantic - New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia
National Capital Region - D.C., Virginia
South Atlantic - North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
South - Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kentucky
Texas - Texas (stand alone)
Great Lakes - Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan
Midwest - Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska
Mountain West - Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona
California - California (stand alone)
Far West - Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, Nevada, Alaska

That is 12 regions. I need 11 people, as I have a California director already, lwarrior1 will be handling this. Please me me with the name of the REGION you wish to represent in the SUBJECT LINE. I will get back to you and will post everyone when I fill all the positions. I may consolidate these into larger regions if needed.