Dont stop the trade!

Day 1,000, 06:16 Published in Thailand Australia by James Rellori

I have been Minister of Trade Relations for three mandates and i am again Minister of Trade Relations under Luthfisnet, But this has become out of control...

Why the hell did we stop trade with Poland, A country who ive only just got trading relations with, And Luthfisnet knew about that.

My Message:

Also dont have a trading embargo on Poland, There one of our main traders and we only just got our relations good with them last month.

His Reply:

do that because of bot attack that hit our country last month by poland.

Hes doing it out of revenge, As so of the orther ones, Except Phillpines does not fit into this, But Congress... VOTE NO on

As they are a major trader with us.

Currently being organised with some overseas traders is the eThailand black market, Were vital supply's from country's like Poland and Phillipines are traded with no tax.