Donations of Austrian Congress Members

Day 1,379, 00:34 Published in Austria Austria by erdoni
As you know, elected congress members in Austria donate at least 2 gold from their Congress Medal to treasury. This is a very important gold income of the country and thanks each of them for their generosity. In this term we had more regions than usual so we had more congress members, which brought a great revenue. Here are the results,

Rangeley: 5
AliasSun: 5
DoinaColibasi: 5
Luis Grindl: 5
spachti: 5
cehansen: 5
LarsUlrich87: 5
Schwrzwolf: 4
wolfwien: 4
LuksTheAtheist: 3,74
A.Emmerich: 3,2
Vreath: 3
IamCanadian: 3
NettoBoy: 3
Mani LeLe: 3
Patar333: 3
havok fault: 3
Cailid😛 3
thur1n: 2,5
theia mania: 2,5
GazonkFoo: 2,22
Inchhigh: 2
Pan_da: 2
zerstoerer: 2
OEbern😛 2
Jeanlouis: 2
Alex Lorre: 2

austria wien: 0
He's the multi member of the congress, everyone knows his owner except the admin.

OmuNegru9 and Travis James: 0
Away or pretending away to not pay the gold (kidding guys you know😁)

Total: 90,16 Gold \o/

What are we going to do with these goldz?

Well, actually all the gold has already been spent. I was wondering what people do with lots of gold in RL, did some research on the internet and found a great idea.

Golden Toilet:

Any better to place to spend your gold? No way, it's so cool.

Air Guitar:

With the remaning money I bought some of these, we gonna amaze our enemies and catch them unawares.

- Well ok joking aside, we can buy lots of weapons with them to use when we need. Also our Military Unit is about to be full, maybe we can create a new one. And it's a great capital to use on MM. A country needs to have a strong treasury, right? 😁

What did congress members say?

I asked in the donation form if our highly intellectual congress members want to say anything, and here are the results.

Schwrzwolf: hukhuk baba. soso FW. gimme itam plz !!!

LuksTheAtheist: I'm very interested in the EAustria politics and I hope to have a nice time in the congress

Pan_da: Money for Pan_da, zerstoerer, OEbernd. I do it because the other two need their goldz for the updates(-: Greetings
- 2 Gold from each of them, The Jew Trio😁

GazonkFoo: As discussed on IRC, i will donate the missing 2.78 as soon as i got them. I only need the gold now to take advantage of the 50% upgrades.

A.Emmerich: I needed to change 1.80 golds to ATS to upgrade my town centre. Next time I'll offer all my 5 golds. Thank you guys! 🙂
- Poor guys of eAustria.

Mani LeLe: Rot Weiss Rot bis zum Tod

theia mania: We must have more allies, if we want success when we are fighting 🙂
- Thank you Captain Obvious!

Rangeley: ø_ø
- 0_o

DoinaColibasi: hello

Luis Grindl: here you are, JEW

Jeanlouis: THE MOFA IS AWESOME 😃 (and so is our cp 😁)
- Thank you! 😁

Vreath: Im gay, deal with it!

spachti: You have successfully donated 5 GOLD. The amount will appear shortly in the country account.

Cailid😛 Woot.

cehansen: I look forward to this term.

Alex Lorre: Don't spend it all in one place 😉

wolfwien: Hallo. Leider kann ich nicht so gut Englisch. Daher schreibe ich meistens Deutsch oder nichts. Eigentlich sind wir ja in Österreich. Warum wir dann immmer Englisch schreiben müssen ist mir ein Rätsel. Aber egal, es ist halt so. Gruß. Wolfgang
- Wolfwien, ich verstehe auch nicht warum wir immer Englisch schreiben. Vielen Dank für deine Spende.

So, one more thanks to probably the best congress in the eWorld.
All have a nice day there! And wish me happy eid 😃

President of eAustria - Erdoni