Donate for future eMacedonia - Донирај за идната еМакедонија

Day 779, 05:16 Published in Russia North Macedonia by Drashhh_III_Makedonski

Hello generous citizens of eRussia and of the New World.
The eCommunity of Macedonia is organizing a donation day for the future eMacedonia.
As the new information says that after the new economic and war module are near to the end and to their integration, it will be time to add new pack of countries to the New World.
For that purpose we the Macedonians are gathering some funds that would help us to make our motherland stable and function in the first days of her integration.
The gold/money that are collected will be used for buying hospitals and defense systems.
So with you help, at least your daily salary donated to our bank, you are helping more that you think that you do.
And today it is Christmas, the day that Jesus our lord is born. Be generous like he said, help the poor people by donating and do good things in your life.

The action takes start in 08.01.2010 (Friday) , but you can START DONATING NOW!

You can donate here National Bank of eMacedonia

Also there is Macedonia Red Cross organization that helps our new players to learn how the play and how to survive in the New World. It helps recover our dead and injured citizens.
So any help by donating stuff like food, gifts, gold and etc.. will help too.

Donate in Macedonia Red Cross Macedonia Red Cross

Donate for the future eMacedonia!

Thanks, we appreciate you help and may God bless you!



Според најновите информации економскиот и војниот модул се при крајот, односно за кратко време би требало да бидат завршени што значи дека потоа ќе има нови земји барем како што кажаа админите дека ќе имало откако ќе бидат завршени тие два модула, за таа цел потребно е да собереме што повеќе финансиски средства кои ќе ни бидат потребни за државата затоа на ден 08.01.2010 (Петок) ги повикувам сите оние кои што сакаат да донираат во утрешниот ден сите да ја донираме нашата дневна плата, значи може и повеќе но минимално да биде нашата дневна плата.

Донирајте овде