Don't push the button blind! - The elections are coming...

Day 702, 13:00 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by garairem

On the 25th of oktober are the congressional elections. In this article i want to draw your attention, not to vote blind, and think a bit, befor you give your precious vote to someone. If you don't do that it can end very bad, like it did in this month.
Many people are voting not for the candidate, but for the party. It doesn't count who the person is. Is he/she qualified for the job to lead a country, or is he/she a droid, directed by the party leaders. An ideal candidate has an own opinion and must be very experienced in this game in many fields.

Sadly it is common in eRepublik, that people are joining partys because they are big, and not knowing anithing about the partys intrests, goals, and give their vote for citizens who shoud nothing to do near the congress.

Unfortunately in this term the conress wasn't on the heights of the situation. It is clearly visible from the laws, which were introduced latest.

A congress can not accept something without proper preparation, but this one did. Is raised the minimum wage from 1.5 IDR to 5 IDR. It was accepted 21 to 6, with a big superiority. Because of this law there weren't job offers on the market for skill 0, the best way to keep new players. And below skill 3 everyone earned the same. Two days after the law, there was a try to correct the mistake, but it didn't went through, it was rejected 16 to 16. The 3rd attempt was succesful 24 to 9. In 4 days many members of the congress had 3 diferent opinion of one simple law. Does this seems well prepared and discuseed to you, or not? Don't think so.

Another mistake is the 20% VAT. Read my previous article if you like.

Instead of listing all that went wrong here is my point:
Don't hurry with your vote! Do a little research before you give it away. I konw it takes time, but only a few minutes, but it can make a big difference. First of all, look at the program of the partys for the next month, and don't vote by all means on the party you are in. Second, look at the candidate itself. Has he/she got an own program, was he/she a congress men befor, and what did he/she do durring the term. If sombody doesn't take the time to write down, why you shoud vote on him/her is he/she worth your trust? Don't think so. Be wise, and give your vote for people they deserve it!

Your vote is precious, and can make a difference!

Don't push the button blinde!

Please help prevent Indonesia from mistakes, like they happend recently. Don't put people in leading possition, when they don't belong there.


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