Don't Cry For Argentina

Day 85, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Salaam aleikum! Glory to Pakistan!
You are now reading the /v/oice of Pakistan! Today we have some important things to inform you, the glorious Pakistani populace, about. First of all we will take a look at Argentina and their recent anti-peace mongering. We will see if they are really as threatening as their wannabe-president thusundu wants them to be and where they hell they will get 10,000 soldiers from.
Secondly we will take a look at a surprising, but completely justified and great, decision that was made by our God Emperor Dio Brando, blessed be he. This would concern the recent increase of money in circulation throughout Pakistan (29,988,720.17 PKR; Yes, that's 29 million PKR). We will talk about the reasons for this, the cause and the long-term effects.

First of all, for some lulz and laffs, we will introduce the hilarious nation of Argentina:
Total Citizens 68
Employees: 55
Companies: 40
Average salary: 0.96 ARS
Gross Domestic Product: 101.12 GOLD
They have an unemployment rate of 20% and 55 babies. Babies, because that is all these argentinians are! Why do we even bother looking at these numbers? Argentina is not even worth the glorious and golden sand we walk upon and live inside. Yes, we probably won't waste another word over these pitiful and pig-disgusting argentinians. The only reason we introduce them is to show all of Pakistan how rediculous the claims of their wanna-be dictator" thusunda". Who is this fool you ask? It's just a petty argentinian megalomaniac that dreams of world domination. He claims that he will conquer the world with 10,000 men and continues to proclaim that his "Arrows will blot out the sun". First of all, if he and his army of 10,000, which he won't be able to put on the field anyway considering Argentina only has 68 citizens, only use arrows, we have nothing to fear. For all of you without knowledge of weapons, a bow and arrow's range is not as far as that of a bullet from a gun. 68 citizens, that means he is 0.0068% towards his goal of a 10,000 man strong army. The economy of Argentina? It seems as if everyone has a steakhouse on the outskirts of Buenos Aires that can just barely feed the family. Preposterous and PIG-DISGUSTING! We'd declare thusundu an enemy of the state, but I think we should just declare him "Crazy Joe". His name isn't even worth mentioning. What his name is? See, you already forgot. Hail Pakistan!

Now let's come to the glorious and excellently thoughtout actions of our God Emperor Dio Brando, blessed be he. As you might have read elsewhere, Dio Brando has decided to release ca. ~29 million PKR into the market. Now first of all you'd probably think "YES, WE ARE RICH \o/" but that's not really what this glorious plan is about. First we will explain what Dio Brando, blessed be he, meant to do with releasing this enormous sum of money:

Due to the fact that Pakistan now has a lot more money circulating the market, more people have more money. Theoretically. Practically, as you can all see, you may have the same amount you had yesterday or *INSERT WAGE HERE* PKR more for working. The prices of Pakistani products also have not changed. So why did Dio Brando, blessed be he, do this? Well, obviously, this was to confuse our enemies! They now see that we are richer and have more money for a war and will quickly retract any attempts to bring peace upon us, thus increasing our chances of spreading peace worldwide!! Glory to Dio Brando!
As a further effect of this glorious decision, our currency rates have sky-rocketed. Cunning plan don't you think?! We agree whole-heartedly! Although, a nasty side-effect of this glorious and godlike plan could be the following inflation. That means that prices for good and services within Pakistan could rise quickly and very high, well out of reach over the average Paki. However, it was already assured that Dio Brando, blessed be he, and the party have it all under control! We hereby invite everyone to the money-burning get together at the Islamabad marketplace tomorrow at noon. Sweden flag burning and kebabies included and free of charge, thanks to the Stardust Crusaders! Hail Pakistan!

Question not your lot in this life. Be content to serve the God Emperor - however humble your station.

tl;dr summary:
-Argentina LOL
-Dio Brando, blessed be he, only makes wise decisions