Don't Call It A Comeback

Day 1,061, 07:38 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

I've been here for years. 😃

Now that the monstrosity that was V2 is gone, my interest in eRep has sparked a little again. I've noticed a lot of things have changed since my zombie state was induced.

The Media has changed dramatically, and is a reflection of the overall inactivity of the citizens in our country. I remember when an article was published every 5 minutes, now the "latest" article is over an hour old.

I re emerge into a eWorld devoid of many of the familiar faces I once knew. So in a sense, although I am an old player, I am a noobie all over again. I know a few people, so to you all I say WUT UP. To those of you I do not yet know, I hope that my paper grasps your interest. Writing has always been my favorite aspect of eRepublik and once I reacquaint myself with whats going on around here, I intend to begin to write regularly again.

One of the first issues I hope to address is our dwindling population. We were 25k strong at one point, we can get there again. I'll be serving up articles from the average Joe's perspective just as I used to do, hope you all will still enjoy them.

Glad to be back,