Don't vote this beavoir!

Day 1,618, 00:44 Published in Israel Israel by danis1982

Every election we have the same kind of beavoir. People offer you money or tank for your vote...well i want you to remember that the 5 gold that every elected congressmember get, HE/SHE SHOULD AND MUST BE DONATED TO THE STATE.

And if someone offer you bribe, please think twice..... that's the kind of gouverment that you want for eIsrael???. i will be updating this article, and ask you all of you your help, if you recibe PM like this one, please send me the copy and i will updated. Here is the first one i get today:

Darko Jovanoski4 to danis1982 | 48 minutes ago (9:56 Israel time)
vote for me in al jawf and i give you money and tanks

Thanks you all, danis1982