Don't Vote for Me in BC!

Day 1,221, 20:43 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto
Quote of the Week Year:"Franky, your articles rock my world!"--Acacia Mason

Don't worry I'm not trying to persuade you to vote for me by giving you orders you'd rather not obey. If you recall, somewhat like my "Do not read" article which actually worked pretty well...But No! I'm not trying to put you under some spell with my infinite charm or even trying hypnotise you with my overwhelming magician skills, in order to get into Congress. None of that nonsense!

I mean if you know me [which most of you probably don't] then you know that I've been promoting fair elections since '09. While I do Mass PM when running for Congress I've never offered money/goods for a vote. However, I'm not completely against the people who do it because many players often sell their own votes. This is what bothers me about when taking a look at the political side of this world.

Players like to complain and rant about things they don't agree with in the government or in congress, no. Players love to complain about such measures or events and even people. If we [the community of eCanada] wanted to, we could very well take control of our country and decide who leads us into the future by taking a step forward and showing our citizens that a vote is something powerfull, it is [in simple words] our voice as simple citizens.

When you vote in Elections you are handing over your voice to whoever you choose to vote for, you are trusting him/her with your eLife, your Region and most of all your Country. One vote can make enormous differences and that vote is yours. You shouldn't vote for who has the most votes, for who sent you the nicest/prettiest/longest PM, for who has the most voted platform or even for who has the coolest avatar. No! You should vote for whoever you think would represent your Region and you better in Congress, you should take the time to read platforms and to get to know as many candidates as you can so that your vote may be a wise vote.

The people who vote for whoever shouldn't come complain afterwards when they're not happy with the result. Voting for someone you don't "support" might as well be like not voting at all because [as said before] your vote is your voice and if what you say isn't what you mean than who's going to take you seriously?

So please, take the time to look into the candidates and their views of current events [etc.] so you too can make the Wise choice!

Don't vote for me in BC! It's a waste of your well earned votes! 😉

This article was brought to you by my amazing capability of staying up late even when falling asleep every 5 seconds. Qdjehgfdm,kkuh O.o Oh...sorry there, fell on my keyboard again!

Thank you,