Dominar Rygel XVI for Country President!

Day 3,812, 14:14 Published in USA USA by Dominar Rygel XVI

I have just informed Party President Dominar Rygel XVI that I will be seeking the nomination of our party for Comrade President of the USA, as well as those of other major parties. Many of you know about the conflict that the current SFP PP and I have had recently, but he and I are striving to put these differences aside and work together for a better party. I will do the same with the differing forces that comprise the US. Here is my plan for getting America back on track:

Running for Country President
The Country Presidency faces a similar problem that my party faced, but on a larger scale. There is a leadership hole, and Americans are trying to find the person who will lead them out of our current predicament. The SFP has never elected its own candidate as Country President, but these times call for new leadership. I've served a multitude of terms in congress, served as congressional whip, a regiment Captain in the Black Sheep, and recently joined the press team of President Cthulhu. I'm an outsider, but I get along with most everyone. I want to be a President who will bring us together as Americans, and so I'm giving it a shot!

My Team
Anyone with skills to offer in service of our country will be welcome to my cabinet and administration. Nothing is set in stone yet, but I can tell you a few people who will be my choices for a couple positions right now to give you a general idea.
Vice President - Kobble. He's a young gun who could be a real asset to our country, and I think would be a fine VP. I was a Black Sheep for years before I joined the SFP revolution, and it would be a natural fit.
Secretary of State - Cthulhu. There aren't many finer diplomats than Cthulhu. He really knows how to build bridges with pretty much everyone both domestically and abroad.
Secretary of Defense - Rainy Sunday. Her military organizational skills are highly thought of. I hope she will agree to help lead us in our fight to liberate our country.

Reclaiming America
As it stands now we we are all huddled up in New England. The rest of the US is occupied by quite a few powerful foreign countries, perhaps the strongest occupying force we've ever faced. We know what led us in to this mess. The problem now is getting out of it. Our allies have to do more to help us. This has to be made abundantly clear. We also should be beefing up our MPP stacks. Cthulhu suggested seeking an MPP with Serbia. This might be the time to do that as they can be a powerful ally to have. I am also not opposed to at least a partial diplomatic solution within reason. We face massive odds, and everything is on the table, even nukes!

Taxation and Domestic Policy
There has been a lot of heated disagreement in congress lately about taxation, particularly when it related to the decision to reduce the work tax to 1% as a defensive measure. There is only so much the President can do on these issues, but I will say that we need policies that most of us can get behind. I will keep communication open with congress on what we can do to create the best possible economic environment for our nation's recovery, and future prosperity.

More Fun
Some parties make an effort with game nights and whatnot, but we need more fun in general! I will therefore make an effort to bring back eNPR, which has been gone for far too long, and I think "national game nights" would be great to have. Let's have fun be for the entire country. If we get more people interested and involved, we can definitely cut down on attrition rates. Every person we can motivate to stay helps our community!

Remember, I am not a god, but I am your sovereign!
Comrade Chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party
Dominar Rygel XVI