DoE/Missouri Updates 8/19

Day 637, 22:16 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

This article is going to be fairly long, so just a warning to those who may be concerned. The topics to be covered are:

eUSA Department of Education and Mentorship Program Updates

Missouri Congressional Representative Update

General Musings

So lets get right into this, shall we?

eUSA Department of Education and the Mentorship Program

As you may or may not have known, I was named the eUS Secretary of the Department of Education. Since Emerick’s election, we have been in top gear, expanding the mentorship program in an exponential fashion, and have been bringing new members into the Department of Education. I would like to formally welcome Sam Kraus (formerly, V. Truglia), and Yang Wenli. Both of these citizens have shown their dedication to both citizen education, and the mentorship program. We are incredibly happy to have them working for the betterment of the eUSA. In addition, Sam Kraus is now the Assistant Secretary of the Department of Education.

Concerning the Mentorship Program, as Emerick has stated, we have begun absorbing a large number of experienced players in order to extend a helping hand to players trapped behind enemy lines, or who have low wellness. This is in order to maximize the potential strength and manufacturing power of the remainder of the eUSA. The list is massive (We have close to 70 mentors now, up from 35), so I hope they’ll forgive me if I don’t list their names. They know who they are, and they are worthy of the highest praise the eUSA citizens have to offer. We are in the midst of messaging them (all credit to Sam Kraus for that amazing feat) and setting up contact with these young players.

Missouri Congressional Representative Update

As all 4 people who elected me know, I’m the Congressman from Missouri, which makes me now in exile. A fun fact though, is that Missouri lasted longer than my former state, Mississippi, in the ongoing wars. I dumped a lot of gold from my company (now shuttered, courtesy of Mother Russia) into the battle, and yet the timing of the battle preventing the eUS from saving our great state a second time. I’m sad to see it fall, and I’ll talk more about that in a minute.

As many Mississippian’s will remember, I updated my voting record a lot. I’m not doing that this time, as no real vote has truly mattered the thus far, with the exception of the PEACE treaty (har har). I voted yes for all CBO donations with a link, I voted No on the impeachment of Emerick, and yes for all alliances. I have voted on every single in-game measure so far, so no worries about me being inactive or any of that business. If you would like to know how I voted on a particular issue, please leave a link to it in the comment section and I’ll amend this post for all to see.

As for the PEACE treaty, I followed the example of our Speaker of the House (seeing as I have been appointed the Deputy Speaker of the House for this Congress), and abstained. Had I voted, it would have been a vote in the “No” column. Our allies, specifically Canada and N. Korea, gave their countries helping to defend us, and we owe them no less. It was a hard decision to come to (seeing as I have personal interests in keeping as many regions as possible, with my state being taken over, and a company in Pennsylvania), but I agreed with Desertfalcon in that, it will make us a stronger nation, even if we do get taken over. It will at least weed out the players who do not have the eUSA’s interests at heart. As my dear friends can attest to, I have no plans “after” the eUSA, which is assuming we lose all our states, which I doubt will happen.

Finally, I will not be seeking re-election in another state this upcoming term. It was always my goal to represent my RL home state, and I will not abandon that duty for the sake of 5 gold and a title. When we get Missouri back I will run for congress again, but no sooner.

General Musings

I have had many mentees ask me my opinions on what has been happening, and more so, my thoughts on our President Emerick. As for what has been “happening” I think it’s a buildup of factors and the eUSA in a way, almost deserved it. I have been here almost a year now, and I have seen us invade other countries on a whim, each time failing miserably. We built up a nice hive of enemies and now people are wondering why they have reduced us to a mere handful of states. It’s unfair to newer players, to have the eUSA in such shoddy condition. We should be embarrassed to have been simply dominated by nations such as Portugal, Russia, and Indonesia. I hope if we all take nothing from this, take the lesson that we are not as powerful as we would love to think. Nothing in this game is given to us, we have to earn it. The sooner eAmerica figures this out; the sooner we can start rebuilding ourselves.

I feel we approach this game in the wrong manner. Most eUSA citizens are looking for personal power, whether it is monetary, political, or otherwise. This is our fundamental mistake. It leads to infighting, and struggles amongst ourselves. This weakens us, and yet we see it happen each every election. Then, when a foreign threat presents itself, we are unequipped to deal with it. We have a lot of people jockeying to take the lead in doing something, but no one actually getting anything done. The leaders of this country (new Congressmen in particular) need to get it into their heads that they need to put the eUS first, and forget their political alliances, vices, and goals for just a minute.

As for Emerick, I still support him. He is one of the most experienced eRepublik players in the world, and I respect that. Look at what he was handed, and I would challenge you to do any better, considering the circumstances. He has a lot on his plate, and I can understand how some areas seem lackluster. Despite this, I feel he has done an acceptable job, and receives too much criticism for too little of his own fault. He is still one of the most knowledgeable players I have ever met, despite how rough around the edges he may be sometimes. Honestly, I didn’t support him for a long time (even for Congress), simply because I didn’t think he’d take the position seriously enough. He has shown me nothing but dedication to the eUS, and has proved me wrong. Overall, I think he gets too bad a rap for a lot of things outside of his control.

I just ran out of PBR, so I’ll bring this to a stop. Vote and subscribe, if you feel so inclined. All eUS Department of Education updates will be coming through my paper, so it may be wise to do so, if you are interested in such things.

Bill Brasky

Secretary, eUSA Department of Education
Deputy Speaker of the House
Congressman-in-exile, Missouri
101st Airborne, BOO-YAH