DoE Citizen Mentorship Program Application

Day 462, 10:44 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

We at the Department of Education are currently accepting applications for our Citizen Mentorship Program. Essentially, this program pairs experienced eUSA citizens with new players in order to create a longer lasting, more productive populous for the eUSA. You can read more about the program here:,796.0.html

However, being a mentor is not for everyone. Here is what’s expected of you as a mentor:

As a mentor you are representing the ideals and people of the eUS. A good first impression will go far in this regard. We expect good communication skills, a fair level of activity, and dedication. When you first contact your new citizen, be friendly, personable, and professional. Tell them why they are assigned a mentor, what the goal of the program is, a little about yourself and your time in eRepublik. If they choose not ask any questions of you, don’t pressure them. Some people are lone wolves. That’s fine. Obviously, our turnover rate isn’t going to be 100%, some new players just won’t want to continue on. Don’t be discouraged, don’t be rude, just let us know that a player has become inactive and we can assign a new one.

We need you to be active in eRepublik, logging on at least once a day. New players need questions answered quickly, and efficiently. If a new player feels he is being ignored by someone who is supposed to be his “friend” things will deteriorate quickly. This almost goes without saying.

-Unbiased Mentoring.
This is incredibly important to this projects success. If you are trying to recruit new players to your preferred political party, this is not the place. If we find you are doing so, you will be relieved of your mentoring duties. The goal of this initiative is to help the eUS as a whole, and we are staying above party politics. When a player you are mentoring asks which political party to join, you are to tell them to make an informed decision based on their own research and beliefs. Point them to DoE provided resources. If they ask your political party, you can tell them, but nothing more.

-Guide, do not dictate.
Don’t tell your player what to do, simply guide them. The beauty of eRepublik is you get to personally choose how to handle given situations and that you are free to do as you please. We urge you not to interfere with this freedom. No one wants to be told what to do by someone they barely know. You are in no way a “boss”, just a friend sharing knowledge. Hopefully these new players will learn from your excellent example and want to be mentors themselves someday.

We all know new players don’t know a lot about this game, and as this is the case you will most likely be asked repetitive questions about the simplest concepts. This is why you are here, to answer these kinds of questions. If a player asks you 5 times how to work, you let him or her know how to 5 times. Patience and understanding are the keys to dealing with new citizens. This links back directly to the professionalism aspect. You are representing the eUnited States. If you are frustrated easily by people asking questions you have already answered, this isn’t the place for you. Our goal is to educate at all costs, and if that means repeating things more than once we are happy to do it, as you should be.

If this sounds like your kind of job, we encourage you to help the eUSA by applying to be a mentor!