Dod New Term Update

Day 1,086, 17:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Soldiers of the IDF,

I believe an introduction isn’t necessary as 90% of all of you know who I am (Nithraldur 😉 ). Due to the recent impeachment of OJ and the appointment of Moo I’ve been asked to take over the duties as MoD of Ireland. I’ve accepted this function primarily to help Ireland regroup after the ‘civil war’ we’ve had to endure the last couple of days. I trust we will all be able to work together again, now and in the future.

I think everyone knows the story behind what has happened recently so I won’t divulge into that anymore. What it comes down to is, Ireland is left with limited funds and limited resources. Because of this we have to fall back to a back – up plan.

We have responsabilities towards the people of Ireland, but also towards our friends, our allies. We can’t disappear from the united front, because we’ve managed to bring ourselves down again due to our very own infighting. They can not be left out hanging. Because of this, we will be reinstating the Na Fianna. For those among you who do not know this unit, it used to be the ‘elite’ fighting force of Ireland and it’s primary international active entity with access to our finest equipment. The funds of Ireland have been cut and so have the funds of the IDF. Reason for this is simple, the funds just aren’t there. In order for us to remain internationally active, alliance – like active, we need to enable our finest fighters with what we have left. Essentially, this comes down to the resources the IDF still has available being distributed solely or atleast primarily among members of the NF. I am aware that this measure may sound unfair to some, but believe me, if we had the option to keep on running the entire IDF the way we were doing, I would be all for it. But again, this is a necessary adjustment, for the time being.

Since the NF itself was put on ‘inactive’ during the past months, it’s also lost it’s members. This is a shout out to all of you out there who used to be NF, or now consider themselves worthy of a position, to drop me a message (directed towards this organisation). Applications will be viewed and judged on a case by case basis. The size of the group is still to be determined and will be made public once the arrangements have been finalised.

More info about the practical organisation and the daily running will be handed out soon, when the appropriate governmentinstances have given the green light. For now, know that we are looking for you, the Irish warriors, to aspire becoming a Na Fianna and fulfilling your duties towards our fair isle.
For those of you who apply and don’t make it, or for those among you who don’t apply just because they feel they are not ready, do not despair! The IDF isn’t being disbanded, it’s simply being cut a bit short on the distribution (resources..) – field. Orders will still be given out by the higher command. The only way to get accepted into the, for example, NF, is to rank up your strength and your military skill. The way to do this is known by all, use those weapons, use that food and get fighting.

That’s it for now, we will keep you updated along the road.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the IDF and would like to be...please click below


Nithraldur – Minister of Defence
