Do you want to help eIndia?[ArjaaAine's Government Positions]

Day 741, 00:03 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

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Have you ever felt hopeless?
Do you feel like things are not right?
Do you feel like your voice doesn't matter?
Do you feel like you can contribute to your nation's well being?
Do you have what it takes to put something bigger than yourself before you?
Are you willing to be a part in the revolution?
Are you eIndian enough?

This is an official call for EVERY ACTIVE INDIAN to come together and work together for eIndia. Forget about what has happened. Fools live in the past, and eIndians are not fools. I want EVERYONE of you to help me make India a success next month. If I am elected president, I need ALL of you to stand up with me and make the biggest and most efficient cabinet EVER.
I want to carry on the work of my great predecessors but I want to bring my own identity into the presidency. I want to make an eIndia where everyone can say - " I Matter"

A few words which came to me, while I was thinking about eIndia.

We have seen great presidents and will continue to see more.
We have had a great highs and terrible lows.
We have seen the best of some people and we have seen the worst of those same people.
We have been greedy and we have sowed to be the reaper.
We have lived amidst the shadows while attempting to make an identity.
We have stayed quiet or we have talked for what seems to be an eternity.
We have understood and we have mistaken.
We have worked, we have fought, we have voted and we have run.
We are not done.
We are not going to give up.
We are not mindless followers.
We are not going to be pushed around.
We are not going to be bothered by the cynics and the pessimists.
We are not over optimistic.
We are eIndians and.
We are going to prove it.

I know I have PMed a LOT of you, I am going to PM a lot more, But the list of active eIndians is so long, I am bound to miss a few. And if you are among those few I missed.. please forgive me as I never intended to do so.
I want everyone, whether I contacted them or not to post here that they have got what it takes and are going to help me bring eIndia higher next month.

Let us forget our differences and let us forget our selfs. Let us work for eIndia.
We can always get free stuff and we can always get higher wages... but we will never get the chance to be part of history again.

Positions Open:
1) Ambassadors: Will work under direct command of Ashwamedh
2) Battalion Commanders: Will work under direct command of UgoRaffaele
3) Citizen Mentors: Will work under direct command of Nikkk S
4) Budget and Economic Committee: Will work under direct command of ArjaaAine
5) NPF team: Will work under direct command of Jay Kerlaite
6) Traders: Will work under direct command of NavinCharles
7) Wiki editors: Will work under direct command of Srachit

1) Active on forums everyday for atleast 30 min.
2) Not Leave eIndia for any purpose other than govt. duty.
3) Not joining AHF for the duration of the term.
4) Respect every eIndian, No matter how young or how old.
5) Buy goods from eIndian Markets unless there's a shortage or prices are unjustified.

If you guys have any questions and any queries, please send me a message 🙂

Have a good day
