Do you want to be something more? Dio Brando can help.

Day 477, 22:17 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Parrot

Good evening, citizens of the United Kingdom.

Today I come to you with good news; news that will allow you to prosper. You see, many of you, right now, are meaningless; you dwell in your country, you join your party and let the higher ups do all their work, you work, you train, you vote every ten days, and then what? Nothing. You are plagued with nothing to do; no excitement. You are basically part a cog of the giant machine that is the UK; you turn and propel the country forward, but, in reality, the country itself could care less if you blew away.

In short, many of your existences in this game are pointless right now. Your talents are wasted; you're growing a great tree which you know will just be cut down and rot one day; granting no one shade, providing no lumber; just dying and being eaten up by fungus and mold.

You, my friends, do not know your full potential; you have no idea exactly how powerful you could be. This is because you are untapped, unrefined, and unpolished; you're like dirty silver; it has no beauty until it has been polished.

This is why I'm here today, citizens. Today, I'm offering you purpose in this game. I'm offering you strength. I'm offering you the chance to be refined; the chance to be something more than the common citizens you are.

And that is Theocracy. We are the Theocrats of Switzerland, and we ride under the banner of Dio Brando, who is ERepublik. We are a group of elites; each of us is stronger than twenty-five normal citizens.

And, we've proven this. In the war against the United States, we've been the biggest obstacle. Although the United States is literally 100 times bigger than us, we've done a fourth of the damage they've done.

Now, let me ask you: are you fine with sitting around, letting your talents rot? Or, do you want to be part of something strong, special, and elite? You can be raised to your full potential. You can be a Theocrat. Just ask.