Do You love India... If yes then this is for You...

Day 715, 04:14 Published in India India by Azad Hind Fauj

Hello my Dear eIndians,
Recently Many Peoples have Messaged Me to Join "AZAD HIND FAUJ" , AHF the Pride of India. I Apologize for slow response. Just to Update my friends, AHF is Hiring New soldiers, Who will be Hero`s of Future, Hope for eIndias freedom & will Carry AHF ethics to have a FREE INDIA.

For first Time ever, AHF is hiring new players, So if you are a below strength 6 player, and determined to work for eIndia.. Apply Below or message to AHF.

Join AHF to build a better, Stronger India, I Do not Guarantee that you will be rich, but i Do guarantee tat you will have Friends & moments to be Proud of - One like when we liberated North India.

I Do not guarantee that i will make you a President, but i Do guarantee, that You have every Chane in AHF to be a leader, lead your own Platoon, And Go on Missions with exciting battles where in last 15 minutes about 1 million damage is done.

If you Agree - Message AHF or Put your name down here , & You will receive further instructions.

PS - Joining AHF is a long term commitment, and we look for peoples who think first about INDIA and then about themselves. If you got this feeling , then you are at right place...
