Do the Right Thing, Vote for Krems!

Day 1,020, 16:57 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Today, I came back from a short little vacation. Since it has been a while, I was going to write about my corporation, HobbitTon Industries, but something much more important has come up which needs more coverage right now: The Presidential Elections. St. Krems is currently losing his presidential race, and that doesn't seem right. He has done so much for us this past month, and he has made the United States such a better place. I voted for St. Krems, and you should, too.

Krems, our current President of the United States, needs to get reelected. He just didn't sit in his big comfy chair, he got things done. Furthermore, he got things done in all aspects of this game, not just one. The man has worked three real life jobs, and he hasn't had a regular sleep pattern in ages. Even with those conditions, he has done better than Bradley Reala and most other Presidents of the United States.

In the Economy

Let's be honest, the economy was in shambles after the Bradley Reala administration. Krems knew he had tons of work to do to make up for the previous botched presidency. The United States was barely making any money to support it's many services to its people. Congress had to redesign the budget allocating less money across the board. It was something none of us had to do, but it had to be done. I was there.

According to Dr. Tango, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, Krems has brought in 40% more income into the United States since the start of his term. That alone is huge! Think about it. With that extra money, we are going to be able to fund more projects that help YOU! This is not an easy task, I assure you, especially how the economy was left with him to work with.

How did St. Krems do this? He re-energized an economy that was dormant. It has always been said that wars run this economy, and that value stood strong with him. He captured Far Eastern Russia, and he opened up more battles. As a result, more people were buying more food to heal and weapons to fight. His actions greatly benefited both the consumer and the business owner alike. Since Krems probably won't be working three jobs again, who's to say he can't raise the income by 120%? The logic is there. Vote for Krems if you want to make this economy better than it has been before!

In the Frontlines

As I have previously stated, Krems had totally thrashed around Russia like dolls. During his time in officer, we held several regions in Russia. Not only did this act as a stimulant to the economy, it was a message with out enemies not to mess with us. Since we are not in EDEN anymore, Krems worked diligently to make sure EDEN helped out and that the JCS was greatly involved, too. Such coordination cannot be done by your average Joe.

To begin with, EDEN and JCS were two different animals entirely. Krems made sure EDEN was straight with the US policies and that they were heavily involved in the war effort. On the other hand, Krems established a working bond with the JCS. As a result, we attacked fluently and effectively. Them Russkies didn't stand a chance. All the did was run away while chugging vodka. Vote for Krems if you want to dominate our enemies like never before!

In the Headlines

Communication is a necessity as POTUS. Even with Krems difficult schedule, the man did not disappoint. Without informing the citizens, the efforts made by any leader are wasted. Krems used his time wisely and wrote and wrote and wrote. Many of his articles acted as a morale booster, which was greatly appreciated in our times of doubt and times of victory! His articles were funny and made us involved.

Remember the White House Press Release? Krems blew that thing out of the roof. He kept constant pressure on Kentel, the WHPR writer, to keep the citizens informed when he could not. A new WHPR was released almost every day, and because of this, people were aware of what was going on, thus getting them more involved! Krems used his staff wisely and effectively, something that was practically unheard of for a long time. Vote for Krems if you want to stay informed!

You don't believe me? I am not the only person in the United States that has seen Krems's graciousness. Check out these articles by Gulden Draak and rainysunday.

In Conclusion

I might be too late, and I honestly don't know. I did know that I had to do something to give back to this great man that has done so much for us. He has been graced by Dio himself! There is no reason why he should be losing this presidential race to Cromstar. Ask yourself, what has Cromstar done for you in the last month? Nothing as much as Krems? I thought so. Do the right thing and vote for Krems!