Do NOT vote, for Goran Thrax!

Day 947, 05:19 Published in Canada Canada by Goran Thrax

No doubt the title seems confusing. However I am not trying to get back into Congress. Our nation has a long standing law on the books, requiring parties to run a full slate of official candidates in each region if possible. This prevents potentially hostile candidates slipping themselves onto the ballot in the last minutes of the 23rd. PTO safety is a big issue of mine, and EPIC asked (since I'm politically neutral) if I could help them fill up the last candidate slot in Nunavut for them. Thus, I am on the ballot, but I am just a blocker.

Please, if you are going to vote EPIC, please vote for Mansbridge09 in Nunavut. He has written a Presentation for you all and everything. It is viewable on the EPIC party forum.

Thank you for your time, and please enjoy these cupcakes.

Your friendly neighbourhood Space Pope,

Goran Thrax