DNS: The party boat! (Manifesto)

Day 316, 00:13 Published in Sweden Sweden by josefstark

Don’t forget to [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-683156-vote.html]VOTE[/a] for this article.
And don’t forget to [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/elections-38.html]VOTE[/a] in the General Election.

We are getting closer and closer to the end of an era, an era of many things, hate and love, disputes and agreements, war and peace and so much more. In less than two months Erepublik has been running for a year, that’s one year’s worth of trial and error, don’t ever forget that.

I’ve been in the game for eight months and every month since then I’ve witnessed how Flashback Sweden takes the biggest piece of the cake, but I’m not foolish, nor ignorant... It’s not really hard to figure out why that happens every month. FBS is the biggest party encompassing the largest number of members, a strike of logic for some but there are people who cannot face this simple fact. So what is our role then? What purpose do we serve?
Well, to keep the balance of course. If you go back in time it was MSAP alone who was the opposition but now the role seems to be split between both MSAP and DNS with a combined force of over 300 members, that’s around half of what FBS has. Then we have the Polish Secession Front who has managed to muster a staggering number of members, almost 400. They used their numbers to get their will through, and that was to free their home country Poland, which Germany took over 5 moths ago and then we took Germany and Poland. Now they have fulfilled their goal and their freedom is assured. That’s thanks to Popolo’s great contact with the Swedish president Flammbar, their shier numbers and the fact that the general opinion in congress towards letting conquered countries go has changed a lot since the war. That is how the opposition works, that is its function. If you cannot win, then get your will through in another way than just straight down the executive line.

So, now we know what roles MSAP and DNS play, and that is to get their will through in congress, to try to budge the ways of FBS, and we are quite lucky since FBS is more like a dew of changing politics rather than a solid immovable block, so that makes the effort a lot easier compared to situations in other countries. This also means that each and every vote on the opposition is more worth.
And now then, to the important question. What does your vote on DNS mean in practice? For every vote we receive we will gain more and more mandate in the congress i.e. more influence on what happens in the government.

DNS has supported the autonomy of Poland, Germany and Denmark and still do, fully out. We helped Poland with her freedom along with most of the other parties. Now we will do our best to ensure the freedom of both Germany and Denmark and YOU can help us do that by voting for us.
DNS also wants to ease the occupied people’s existence here in Sweden and we are doing that by being an open party. We support the use of English in as many issues as possible and we make no difference between Swedes, Danes, Germans or Poles. We had a fellow German as party president a month ago, and we are proud for that even though he had little chance against FBS in the presidential election, but it stands as a good example for our openness in DNS.
We also want to lower the income tax and higher the minimum wage.
DNS will also try to activate Sweden in other e-countries external forums in the form of forum embassies. We will, of course, work closely with our neighbours and with the other countries in the Atlantis alliance, I think most of us can agree on that. But I would also like to see Swedish diplomats travel outside the borders of the alliance and venture to other, more hostile countries to gather information and keep a healthy dialogue. I, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, am very keen on expanding the Foreign Affairs section in the Swedish government and it will see some expansion and improvements, I assure you. We need to keep up with as much of the things going on outside of our borders as possible. I will be on the look-out for competent people with perhaps some language skills besides Swedish.

Trying to implement real life political philosophies in Erepublik is quite hard work but in my opinion it’s worth the effort. You could go the simple way, the way of FBS, the way of the political dew, but in that case you have to have a belief in a one party-system to some extent. In DNS we don’t... We believe that the mosaic of strong minded parties is the right way, to compensate each other, because if there were no opposition, the process of locating problems and solving them in the most satisfactory way would be slow.

The party has recently been experiencing some commotion and in that turmoil DNS seamed to have lost its way. Trisen asked me if I could help him and when I saw the condition my old party was in I could not let it sink along with it’s ever cheerful and active members, so I make a promise to you all, a promise I made to myself as well, to never let DNS and its members down, to never allow it to sink into the void and to steer the ship in the right direction, the e-liberal direction, the DNS direction.
If that’s the wrong way for you, feel free to leave the ship. Although, I’m not so sure you’d want to, because then you’d miss out on all the great fun and good moments that lie before us.
All members of DNS... A new exciting era has just begun and it’s only going to get better!
In the General Election, vote for the opposition, vote for balance, vote for DNS!

Bring me that horizon!
- Josef Stark, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Party President of DNS