DJTJ's Lottery (Announcement), vote up or NO lottery

Day 733, 12:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Damian Jacob Tamir Jager

Soon I will be running a gold lottery, to fund other lotteries with better prizes than gold.

0.5 Gold donated to me will equal 1 Ticket.

The Prizes are as follows:

1st Prize: 50% of the Gold
2nd Prize: 25% of the Gold
3rd Prize: 10% of the Gold
4th Prize: 3% of the Gold
5th Prize: 2% of the Gold

Now you may be thinking that that is only 90% of the gold, well the other 10% will go to me to fund, as I said earlier, more lotteries with prizes better than just gold.

DO NOT YET DONATE THE GOLD, this is just an announcement article, the acctual lottery will be done, probably, tommorow.

If this article does not get enough votes then I will not be running this lottery, and please subscribe so that you can enter, with the genuine lottery article, before it closes. Please send a link to this to all of your friends.