Djani the next President!!!

Day 895, 07:54 Published in Austria Croatia by 89Djani">

Today i have to talk about six points">

1. The story about PTO
2. My Profile
3. Presidental Candidature
4. My Cabinet
5. Election Contest for every Player
6. Party After the Elections">

1. The story about PTO

So last Saturday the guys have attacked me at night that i am PTO and have not tought about that they have destroyed the whole plan so in short steps after they had become 50% in Congress i have Contact them and speak about how much they have votes and other things than i said i would pay for you if you vote for me at the Presidental Elections with all your votes and that was the deal and than they said they want the HUF hmm i thougt about what i can do to safe the HUF because they have 50% in the Congres and i proposed to make a org and that all put the money to that acount and after the elections and i have been take as president i would betrayed the croats and give the money to ACB but there are some specialst that destroyed that plan.

I am not a PTO but as i have seen that all the people in Austria hates me i have changed my story 🙂 Party is going on.!!!">

2. My Profile">

Ein echter Österreicher geboren am 07. 12 1989
Meine Sterne ausgezeichnet: Element Luft, Zwilling
Familienstan😛 ledig
Warum die Politik: weil ich was ändern will
Politisches Buch:
Sport: Karate , ehemals Junior bei Austria Kärnten
Musik: schnelle Rhythmen
Film: Braveheart
Urlaub: im Sommer Kroatien, im Winter Tirol
Trinken: Allestrinker, ALKOHOL
Wen ich bewundere: Wilhelm von Germania
Wenn ich nicht arbeite: habe ich ein schlechtes Gewissen und muss was Arbeiten gehen
Was ich liebe: My Homeland
Was ich brauche: Meine Familie und echte Freunde auf die man sich in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten verlassen kann - einfach Harmonie und Zeit mit seinem liebsten Umfeld.
Was ich nicht mag: Leute die mich anlügen und alles daran tun um Rufschädigung zu machen">

3. Presidental Candidature

So let start i will not take off my Candidature for President because i know that i would be a better president for Austria 🙂 sorry Rangeley the Austrian dont wanna again Neutral political for months and months you make Austrian bored in their Country if there were not be the Croats or the other Fights in Austria would be all bored and the people would go to other Country's.

I am sure that a lot of people has seen in my last article this Presidental Candidature Video and i will put it here again

The Presidental Video

There are few points that i will realise if i win the election:

There are a lot of Foreign people in our land that try do destroy our economy and Land everytime We must stop it. We must stop neutral politic to Foreign.

Austria isn't a rich country like Croatia , Hungary, Poland or Serbia we have in our Land Rich or poor people we need a Middle class people who can live with their Salarie if i show at the Job Market we become for a Skill 4 Job in Manufacturing 0.2 gold and in other Countries more than 0.5 gold. Stop with false economical politic.

What is for me important? For me ist most importmant what the people think i would first every time quest the people and than decide what is to do!
Eure Ansichten sind mir die Wichtigsten!!!

Every Time more and more Austrian are becoming so few Money for their work, when is war they cann't buy 2-3 q1 weapon with average salarie.

Cheap Foreing Worker are coming to our Country to take us the jobs .. the well paid jobs 🙁

THe PPO are generaly searching for fair Salaries for all Austrian.

* Down with the Income tax and go up with the VAT
* Workingplaces first for the Austrian !!!">

4. My Cabinet

President: Djani Ujkan Marich
Spokesman: Grof Ignacio
Premier Minister : Grof Ignacio
Vice - President : Gaganic

Premier: Grof Ignacio
Spokesman: Cratia_man
Minister of defence: Alfred Bal
Minister of education and regulation of population: OEBERND
Deputy: Teh Mazey
Minister of health😮eBernd
Deputy: Agent 022
Minister of Economy and Finance: Lord Marlock
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gaganic
Minister of Culture and Communication: Ivana Marich
Deputy: Mocoman14
Minister of Immigration: Ultras Zrinjski
Minister of inside Affairs : Mocoman14
Minister of Fashion : Ivana Marich

Commander of Agency for government information: Ultras Zrinjski
Deputy Commander: Toni_vule
The commander of special military units: Alfred B
Deputy Commander: 64.Plz Kl
Commander of the 1st Army Corps:
Deputy Commander:
MOD for planing Atack on Slovenia : General x
MOD for planing Atack on Serbia : BBB Kambelovac

President of Agency for releations with hostile alliances: Djani Ujkan Marich
Vicepresident: Gaganic
Ambassador – eCroatia: Apachy
Ambassador - eHungary: Fragreg
Ambassador – eSerbia: BBB_kambelovac
Ambassador – eUSA: Alfred B
Ambassador – eGreece: Tuna cro
Ambassador – eSlovenia: Nenya
Ambassador – eSwitzerlan😛 NIKAN
Ambassa dor – eGermany: PrinceofAustria
Ambassador – ePolan😛 Hedera

MOD for planing Atack on Slovenia : General x
MOD for planing Atack on Serbia : BBB Kambelovac

Chief of Staff: Herzog88">

That are all player that have experience please vote for me this player would make Austria bigger and bigger!!!">

5. Election Contest for all Voters

After I made my decision to run for president elections, I had the idea why the election to not make a bit more exciting.So every Voter who said me the current status of the Election and Vote for me would become 100 HUF and i would donate 10 Ats for every Vote to the Austrian Central Bank.

So give me your choice you will become 100 HUF and the Austrian Central Bank also 10ATS for One Vote is that not nice ? 100 HUF are 2.3 Gold for one vote.

Vote for Changes">

6. Party after the Presidental Elections

At 6.6.2010 would be a Presidental After Show Party with all my ministers, friends, voters , childs, womans you are welcomed
the channel would be on the name would be #presidentdjani

Here you have a article how to join rizon :

How to join eAustrian Chat

So i will remember give me your choice you will become 100 HUF and the Austrian Central Bank also 10ATS for One Vote is that not nice ? 100 HUF are 2.3 Gold for one vote. 😛 😉">

Sincerely ,
Djani Ujkan Marich Future President">

My opinion today" width="1800" height="1200" />">">">