Disappointment of an Utopian...

Day 2,016, 10:41 Published in Belgium Chile by Tensa Zangetsu san

Well people, here it is: I left H.O.P.E.

Yes, you read it well. I left the party in which I was sure to express my ideas, this party in which I was sure to meet people thinking like me, to have friends... But it is absolutely not the case.

H.O.P.E. is the party with the worst reputation in eBelgium. When I joined it, people told me "Oh no, you shouldn't have enter it..." but I was sure it was exaggerated... And now, I'm wondering if they wasn't right since the beginning...

March 2013, boer jan sent me a PM, saying he took the initiative of a collective government, so with all parties. He contacted me in order to be the Minister of Immigration, I accepted. He is the man who permits me to enter in the eBelgium political life. I will never sufficiently thank him for this.

People was puzzle😛 will a H.O.P.E. minister do a good job?
MoI showed that he is the right man for the job, he works close together with our MoNS to ensure our safety and that we let the right players in our country.
the next weeks he will look with the MoNS, the IO and myself if we can find even more ways to make it safer.
For those who did not knew it yet, he is a member of HOPE and proofs that it is possible to work together.

I guess it says it all 😃

April, Alexandross is elected as president. He trusted in me and decided me to be his Vice-president and Minister of Immigration. I just wanted to say I really thank him, work with him was really interesting.

This month, Beaver_juice wanted me to be Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Immigration. I hope he is proud of me

Many people in my eLife gave me opportunities, many people, yes... But nobody from my party.

During the time I'm in government, H.O.P.E. members did things really... I dislike says bad words...
You can see here the eBelgium Immigration sheet.
I was and I am the Minister of Immigration from the same party they are and what could we see? They accept people illegally, ruining the job of their own Minister of their own party! But how the hell could we be so... And this is just a little part of the case of illegal citizenship given...

I knew that, and the purpose for me wasn't to be a part of H.O.P.E., they didn't respected me... my goal was to change mentalities... But I failed, I failed hard.
H.O.P.E. member (for the majority) are not at all leftists, just people saying Karl Marx or Che Guevara (Philosophers I respect) quotations without knowing the signification. I know I would have listen to my eFriends, saying me "You're not one of them, you're better than all of them!" and know, I open my eyes.

H.O.P.E. is now nothing for me.

I want to be a part of a party who respect me and one in which I'm sure eBelgium can evolve and manage in all the things it undertakes. And I want all of you to be sure I'll help my dear eBelgium.

Well, I think I said all the thing I want.

PS: I want to say all H.O.P.E. members to tell me by PM the name of somebody I can give the administrator/moderator rights on the forum and the operator rights in #HOPE_eBE.

Cordially, Zangetsu-osan