Disadvantage eAmerica

Day 417, 07:50 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand
By: Zagarius

This week a growing concern for the eAmerican Economy has once again focused on the lack of the Iron Industry as the highest productivity of Iron in any state is Medium. To be honest it is hard to believe that the eUSA has no Iron higher than Medium and even more shocking when you look at the Raw Material Map and see no Iron rated higher than medium for all of North America. (http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/1/18/Raw_mat_map.png) See Wiki Raw Materials Map here.

In eRepublik the games with High Iron Productivity are:


You would think the New World would have more resources than Oil, Wood and Grain, but what makes this even more shocking is when you look at a list of Iron Production countries in Wikipedia you would see that the USA is ranked 7th and Canada is ranked 9th in the world. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_iron_production) See Wikipedia List here. Brazil, China, India, Ukraine and Russia make sense as they are all in the top 10 on the Wiki list. Yet, Greece and Spain, you have to be joking! Greece is ranked at 25th and Spain is not even on the list! Noticeable countries missing are Australia, USA, Canada, Sweden & South Africa (Yes, Sweden and South Africa are in the top 10!) Go look at the link if you do not believe me.

So why do these countries not have any High Iron? Why limit the New World to only 2 High Iron Regions? There are only 10 High Iron Regions and Romania now has control of what, 4 of them? So to kick this dead horse again... Seems like the Romanian Admins have set this world up in their favor from the word GO. For me having the Iron spread out as it does in the Real World would make this place a bit more enjoyable for all and make the world that much more of a true competition. Yet the question that begs to be answered is that the Romanian Admins have a GOD COMPLEX and are enjoying being in control of this little world of theirs... Unfortunately they SUCK at it!!!

What would it take for the Admins to level the playing field or at least give the top 10 a few High Iron Regions? Hell, is Greece got so should the 24 countries higher than them that are on the list!!! Vote this article up to help it get the Admins Attention!

Thank You for Your Time!

“Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with them everything.”
- Benjamin Franklin quotes (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer and Inventor. 1706-1790)