Dimmakammunication (eUS Question Time)

Day 773, 08:08 Published in Japan USA by St Krems

The more observant of you will have already noticed me lurking in your IRC channels (where I go by Krems-sensei) and on your forum but some of you wont have so for your benefit allow me to introduce myself. I'm the eUS ambassador to eJapan, think of me as a sort of cross between a spai and the guy who represents your interests to the eUS government.

Some of my views of your country:
*Ember is a troll
*I like anime
*Fisting is p cool
*You all should cherish Dokomo
*I am agreed with the terms and conditions of samurai
*I wish we had our own version of the imperial owl
*I <3 lolicon (ty to Amun for reminding me)

Anyway I thought we would do something cool for my first japanese article. I'm a fairly reliable source of information on the eUS and stuff (cabinet position, congressman ect ect) so you can ask me questions on anything and I will answer them. PM me questions or leave them in the comments of this article and I'll get around to answering them at some point. You can ask questions about the eUS's plans for the future, our campaign in Asia, why I'm such a gay or anything else you can think of.

[size=1ppt]BTW, by sending me a question via PM you agree to letting me reveal the contents of that PM in any future articles.[/size]