Die Rot Weiss Rot Partei: Statement

Day 740, 08:26 Published in Austria Austria by H. S. Dovewatch

Gruss Gott,

First off, apologies for recent inactivity. I have been involved with some real life political activism.

Now, with the presidential elections fast approaching, I have decided to bring out a statement regarding Rot Weiss Rot's aims and values, and views on a selection of current events.

When it comes to our aims, I've had to make some pretty autocratic decisions -
Owing to a mass lack of interest in the forums and seemingly incurable inactivity in most members (not that we've tried THAT hard), and the fact it's high time we at least had an ideology.

Taken from the proposed constitution, I hereby present our ideological aims and values:

Clause 4 - Aims and Values

1. The Rot Weiss Rot Party is a social conservative party. It believes members of society are all capable and willing to achieve what they wish to achieve through personal action and choice made by themselves as individuals, but also stresses the need for a strong governing structure which protects the traditional and moral values of the countries, focuses on maintaining national culture and recognises the need for pragmatic economic policy.

2. To these ends we work for:

(a) a dynamic economy, serving the public interest, in which the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition are joined with the forces of partnership and co-operation to produce the wealth the nation needs and the opportunity for all to work and prosper with a thriving private sector and high-quality public services where those undertakings essential to the common good are either owned by the public or accountable to them;

(b) a just society, which judges its strength by the condition of the weak as much as the strong, provides security against fear, and justice at work; which nurtures families, promotes equality of opportunity, and delivers people from the tyranny of poverty, prejudice and the abuse of power;

(c) an open democracy, in which government is held to account by the people, decisions are taken as far as practicable by the communities they affect and where fundamental human rights are guaranteed;

3. Rot Weiss Rot is committed to the defence and security of the Austrian people and to co-operating in International institutions to secure peace, freedom, democracy, and economic security for all;

4. Rot Weiss Rot shall work in pursuit of these aims with trade unions and co-operative societies and also with voluntary organisations, consumer groups and other representative bodies;

5. On the basis of these principles, Rot Weiss Rot seeks the trust of the people to govern.

Secondly, in response to increasing pressure to provide a presidential candidate, I have created a list of policies that Rot Weiss Rot would bring in if it came to power. However, seeing as no Rot Weiss Rot candidate will be proposed, these policies are merely stated to be publicly viewable and to provide what pressure it can to make the presidential incumbent adhere to them.
The list is displayed below:

Die Rot Weiss Rot Partei - Policy

- Economic Policy:
Whilst generally Libertarian in our view on the market in Austria, we have experienced a shift to the left as of late.
We agree with the proposed public weapon company, in order to provide high-quality and cheap weapons to aid in Austrian defense.
We also call for a public gift company to provide our Health Ministry with gifts as and when they are needed.

- Home affairs Policy:
As a social-conservative party, we call for more government intervention in the media.
We call for more articles on RL Austrian Culture and history, as well as eAustrian History. We call for a new ministry to create an eAustrian Coat of Arms, make yearly celebration dates that coincide with moments in eAustrian history (e.g. the defense of Burgenland), provide 'celebrations' on those days and regulate governmental statements so they go by a traditional layout and incorporate eAustrian mottoes and sayings (e.g. adding Rot Weiss Rot bis in den Tod at the end of every article).

- Foreign Policy:
Whilst we have no 'new' policy as such at the moment, the Foreign Affairs Director (or minister if we get in power) will play an active role in contacting various foreign participants and sending a comprehensive report back so we can create a statement based on that.

Lastly, a statement on the proposed new officers for the party:

Congressional Director: Borojevic von Bonjar (unconfirmed);
Foreign Affairs Director: Mappina (confirmed);
Media Director: Robert Knotsworth (confirmed).

Other officers, such as a finance director or publicity officer, have yet to be nominated.

That's it for now folks, so from me and the party, it's goodnight and