Die Rechten in eÖsterreich/ the far-right side of eAustrian politics

Day 973, 04:19 Published in Austria Austria by samu-L
Dear citizens,

I have noticed the recent decline in newsaper articles which happened lately and thus decided to revive my newspaper. This might be because there has not been anything to write about lately, but as I have come to realize there IS and not something one should not have noticed. A new party has appeared in eAustria!!!

Indeed the long unnoticed Democratic Party Austria has been PTOed by Michiluki and turned into "die rechte Flanke" (ger. "the right flank&quot😉. As the name indicates it is a far-right political party and even though we haven't seen much coming from their side so far one can imagine what this party's goals and ideals are going to be. Following the concept of rl Austrian far-right parties this party's primary goal most likely will be the "Germanization" of eAustria. This is a nice thing to do however right parties usually tend to agressively advance against foreigners. As it is many of our most hard-working politicians are rl foreigners and eausria always had been and still is an immigrant eNation. Now I want Austria to have a German-speaking community as well as a a community of non-rl Austrians who are yet "Austrians at heart" and I want these communities to get along well and ultimately be one community. So far this has always worked well and some of you may have noticed that the German-speaking population has risen recently or at least gotten more active. Right now Austria is in a peaceful state from the inside as well asfrom the outside and in my opinion a far-right party would disturb this peace. I simply want to maintain a peaceful atmosphere on the inside and keep the Austrian flair, keep the multiculturalness in Austria!

I'll be honest this hasn't been the worst far-right party in Austria, the best examples being the "British National Party" and the "Union des Eisernen Adlers" however this party has the "potential" to grow into something worse. I aknowledge it as a party, since the newly written constitution gives every citizen the right to create one. It is Michiluki's constitutional right to build his own party and thus protected by a law.

However i hope that all of you who wan to keep the Austrian community as it is won't support this party with their vote or their mebership!
