Dictator For Congress!

Day 460, 14:35 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

You read the title, its another CONGRESS PRESENTATION!

My plans are to continue being a wonderful Congressman!
I'm voting for wars, Economy boosts and other GREAT stuff!
Being the #5 person in Canada, if i wasn't to win the election... well... I'd probably move to Serbia for the rest of my elife. 🙁

Also, if any citizen needs gifts or food, PM me and you'll receive it shortly.

5 CAD advertisement!!!!! Awesome deal!

Something ive noticed about erepublik, is that everyone votes because of there party. Very few people actually vote because of ideas.

This congress election I encourage you, DONT Just vote Party, vote for the cause, vote for someone who will push Nunavut to be a better place, with a defense system, and maybe a Q5 hospital!

Vote for the cause, vote for the mustache.
God bless all voters, and God bless Canada
Have a great week