Devan Kronos interviews scrabman ...

Day 714, 19:50 Published in Canada USA by scrabman
Battle orders from the MO😨

One of the things that I enjoy about this game is constantly meeting new people. It is one of those things that I really enjoy about eRep. If it wasn't for the cool people who inhabit this place I would have stopped playing a long long time ago. But there are lots of cool people everywhere from the eUSA to eCanada and beyond.

One of those new people who I have met is Devan Kronos who is a newer member of the eUSA Congress and also a member of my near and dear old party the USWP. He has been active and he has had many discussions with me about game mechanics and other questions about how things work in eRep and who the major players are. I love having these discussions with people so when he asked for an interview I told him I would if he could come up with some new questions since I've done a decent amount of these now.

So here is the interview ... it's pretty long and it's after some other things that Devan wanted to cover. He did ask some great questions and gave me a chance to say some nice things about folks like Harrison Richardson, Alee Ann, Starkand Rorlikson, and even Emerick. I really enjoyed answering these questions as they helped me to reflect on what I really enjoy about eRepublik. So here it is (link above and below). I'm sorry for clogging up the media with this again but I didn't know this would be the day that Devan would publish the interview when I did my Brolliance article earlier today. I actually have had the flu for the last week and have been catching up on a lot of things. In fairness I didn't shout that link for votes nor will I shout this one. What will be will be.

Thanks everyone for making this game fun to play and keeping it interesting for an old coot like me.


P.S. If you're wondering about the mime and unicorn picture ... that's my avatar for the DAL Party Forums ... they have a thing about unicorns there so this is my own twist on that.