Desperate times seek desperate measures - One Tin Soldier nr. 26

Day 605, 17:05 Published in USA Denmark by Leaffly

Dear Readers,
I believe i do not need to tell you situation is BAD. Everybody knows things are bad. Both eUSA and eCanada are loosing teritories. Newspapers already say that war is lost, old allies have abandoned us. Theres nobody enywhere that seems to know what to do, there seems to be no end to it. You can notice that PEACE GC forces have experienced soldiers, that their tanks hit over 300 damage per hit. And yet you sit in your territories with no hospitals. You know things are bad, worse then bad, things are crazy!
But by not fighting as hard as you can, the eNation you live in will be getting smaller and smaller! Can you wait for that? Will you wait untill there is 2 territories of eUS left, and say "Please, please, leave US alone on this one teritory, let us have our congress, and our flag"?

Well, let me tell you something: They will not leave you alone.
I can't tell you what has to be done to stop them, but i can tell you what will surely help in stopping them.
Move to region with Q5 hospital. Always fight as late as you can. (possibly in last 1 hour or 30 minutes of the battle). Remember to read papers, only by coordination you will manage to fight PEACE GC off.
I know their resources seem endless, but eUSA is the richest country in eRepublik. This eWar will be costly, but there is no price for liberty and independence. Do not expect the state to pay for your fights, use that gold that you have been saving for rainy days, rainy days just came.
What else can you do? Recruit! new recruits can't help right away, but they will surely be of help later on. Go to forums around the globe and recruit people. You would be amazed how many people will click on "Virtual United States under attack of Russia".
If i could have come from their side to help you guys defend your territories, least you can do is try harder. Do not expect someone else to win in your name.
Stand united and nothing can break you!

One Tin Soldier,