Der Bote Info Article 1 - Basic Information; Der Bote News

Day 837, 10:55 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Thomas765

Der Bote - Information 1 - Saturday - 6th March 2010 - Day 837
Der Bote Information 1 - Samstag - 6. März 2010 - Tag 837

We thought it would be a good idea to inform you each fortnight about what may be changing with the newspaper and what you think we should add, change, remove or do.

Name Change

I am thinking about changing the name of the newspaper, the name was given to me to use by Penegrin.

I am thinking about changing it to the German of the following:

Daily Gazette
Austrian Star
Austrian Express
Austrian Times or Times of Austria (both sound good)
Austrian Bulletin
Austrian Herald
Austrian Globe
The Guardian of Austria
Austrian Standard
Austrian Telegraph

However, I will need to translate them when I have the time.

Sister Newspaper

I have already bought another newspaper using my organisation, Agentur Noricum. This will mean that Der Bote or whatever will have a sister newspaper that is most likely not going to be published in this country.

I was thinking perhaps Germany, France or the United Kingdom:


I would only need to copy the Austrian article but I will have to change some of the news to be Germany centralised instead of Austria centralised like it is now.

The name of the newspaper will mirror the Austrian name except having the word &quot😉eutsch", &quot😉eutsche" or &quot😉eutschland" in it.

The format will also remain the same, I wouldn't need to change my graphics nor would I have to change much of the text in the newspaper itself.

Germany has a population of 2827, not that relatively hard to be quite honest. It would be located in the capital region of Germany.


I would have to change the language mainly, I can speak French so that'd be a good idea for the newspaper. The newspaper would have plenty of news to cover regarding the reformation of France.

I have thought of several possibilities of the name, right now the one I have bought is called "Les Temps" and is currently set in France but it going to change, hence why I am commenting on this.

France has a population of 1104 citizens, making it quite easy to get a newspaper up and running in France.

United Kingdom:

I live here in real life and I would only need to use English. The downside is that the UK has a large population, thus having more newspapers, meaning more competition.

The UK newspaper would resemble that of Der Bote but also adding certain features seen in the real life "The Times", &quot😉aily Mail" and "The Scotsman".

The newspaper would be located in London, South-East England or Scotland.

Other Countries

Hungary - highest ranked country in the world; I don't know any Hungarian whatsoever but could introduce an Anglophonic newspaper.

Well, any country that isn't EDEN, I hate EDEN.

New Editorial Positions

I would like for there to be more editorial positions on the newspaper. Here will be some of the posts that are going to be available:

Vice Chief Editor (Second in command)
Austria Editor
Business Editor
"Your Views" Editor
Political Editor
Debate Editor
Interview Conductor

All will be paid a certain amount of ATS (or Gold if requested (0.01 to 0.05)) or if they request, nothing per article, dependant on quality and length.

All articles that wish to be posted by the editor should be PMed to me where I will include it in the article and has to be PMed by a new deadline that will be set up at some point.

With this new addition, we can have a mixture of different views and mood throughout the article instead of just mine - which sometimes can be boring. The amount of time taken to write an article will be significantly reduced and the length should increase.

If you would like a possible position then please contact me.

German in Austrian newspaper

Well this sections seems to be a bit obvious for some. We wish to increase the amount of German used in our articles. As you have probably noticed, Issues 17 and 18's titles have almost completely been in German. However, we want half German, half English so we can cover around 80% to 90% of the Austrian population. We also want to include a section on Hungarian or another language used in eAustria.

Thank You

Thank You for reading our first 'Corporate' issue, it'll help give you an insite into what we plan to do with the newspaper. Now if you have any ideas to what you think we should do, then please leave me a message or comment below.

Chief Editor,

P.S. Please Vote and Subscribe, I want to make sure that the newspaper gets around.