Departure Immenant

Day 819, 11:09 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

I want to tell Israel farewell for the final time, I am putting my citizenship application back in for the united states, Missouri to be specific. This is where I started my elife well over 400 days ago. I moved to Israel and I believe my time has came and has passed here in this tiny nation.

My ideas and Ideology for a great, independant, strong, wealthy, and conservative nation are outdated i believe. I also believe that due to past confrontations beetween me and former and current leaders has limited my ability to be elected into any type of office.

I am not the type of person that will say things just to please peoples ears, as many of you have come to find out, like many others I Say what i think, and if you like it you do, and if you dont, well then tuff luck.

I feel that I have offered all i possibly can to Israel, and my time to go has come to pass. I decided two weeks ago that If my party chose to elect someone else i would go ahead and move, If they elected me i was going to stay and do the job. Aeroner rightfully won, and I wish him the best of luck, Me and him both had similiar goals and Im sure he will do great. I will stay up to date with the news in Israel and what direction she takes.

Good luck to all and god bless.