Departure, Again

Day 890, 11:46 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Hello, Austrians!

Again, I leave. I have not taken on any major responsibility since arriving, so this departure will have no real impact. I’m not leaving again because I didn’t find the sanctuary or the people that I was hoping to, or anything of that sort. These days I am simply enjoying a different, more mobile side to the game.

I haven’t yet decided absolutely on my next destination. I’m fairly sure about where I’m headed, but I’ll likely be around a few more days in any case. I do not know for how long I'll be away, if for longer or for shorter than Switzerland.

I’ll be just as communicable, spending as much time in #eAustria chat as usual. Henceforth, I will not be announcing my coming and going via articles – probably only by shouts. Add me. 🙂


P.S. Unban Prince.