Department of Regional Development Update -- October 11th, 2008

Day 326, 13:01 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex


Okay, had to vent my frustrations. I'm calm now. Care for a cigarette?
The RfC Party Elections are over, and I did not win, but I am now Party VP. But after a long campaign, its time to focus on actually doing my job(s).

Here is an update on the Department of Regional Development. I know we have been somewhat dormant in the past few days. However, we have been doing some things behind the scenes.

DoRD SO Account Creation
Come V1, I will be setting up a DoRD SO account to hold any funds we receive from the Federal Government or from Local Government or Donations. I will also draw up a contract in the contracts forum limiting me to what I can do with that funding. This is solely to prevent misuse of any funds we do receive. I did this in Sacramento and we have had no complaints or allegations of misuse.


Assistant Director Chimichonga Barbosa has sent every Mayor a brief survey to fill out. He has sent you a link to a form on GoogleDocs that you can fill out. The questions ask all Mayors (including myself) about various programs they have put in place, the level of quality their hospital is, the names and positions of any appointees and a few other specifics on the level of involvement they have in running their state.

We need 100% participation in this survey so we can see which regions need our help the most, and get in contact with those people to help them set up new programs and assist them in making their current programs more successful. Once we get the results we will start implementing some plans we have.

My Current Appointees

A few of you have already started doing what I have asked you to do. Some of you, I have not asked anything of you. I would like ALL people I appointed to a position to send me a PM in the next day or so with their position in the Subject line. I will be honest, my inbox was full of mail the past few days and my memory has slipped me to the position of every appointee. If you applied for a position and I failed to answer your request, please also PM me again, I apologize for the slow response, just let me know what you want to do and I will be in contact with you.

I am set on getting the DoRD up and running full speed in the next couple of days, so I need a few more people to help me. Read this article for a description of the positions.
Some are still open, some are filled. Just PM me if you applied for one of these. They are first-come first-serve, however if someone feels they are more qualified please be more than happy to give me your resume.

Citizens: What it means to you?

So what exactly is this new government bureaucracy mumbo jumbo DoRD all about anyway? How is it going to help the average citizen? I know a lot of people have a lot of questions for me and I have not answered them fully yet. So I would like to explain what we are going to do, and how it's going to work.

We are first going to divide the nation into several regions, each region will consist of a number of states (except the largest states will be stand alone). These regions will each have a Chairman that is responsible for getting in touch with the local officials and citizens of their region to educate them on the programs implemented in their regions. Not all regions or states will have the same programs, some will choose more, some will choose less. That's why the department exists: to give localities the option to implement programs to help their citizens. The Chairman will also be responsible for disbursing funds to the region that needs them, they will send the Finance Director a request, I will receive it and direct the funds to the finance director for disbursment among regional chairmen who give it to the states that requested it from them. Each regional chair will be required to sign a contract I will create that covers the only use of funding for local needs. I will also have to request a budget from each Chair on what they spent their funds on. Now this may not be a large amount and I will only do this if it becomes to complex to track. But the Finance Director will be in charge of this aspect and we will discuss it later on.

The Regional Chairman position is the link between the people of the regions they represent and the DoRD. Each Chairman is responsible for educating their citizens on the programs in the states they represent and answering any questions or requests they may have.

I am currently looking to fill ALL of these positions. It goes without saying, that you must live in one of the states listed to fill the respective position. Please send me a PM with the region you want to represent IN THE SUBJECT LINE.

(I know they are NOT listed, I will EDIT this article and post them later. I am short on time right now)