
Day 794, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Comrade_Callum

Denmark is a small country of the eWorld, its economy is weak(even compared to the eUK) and its suprisingly low population is actually suprising?

Surrounded by 3 imperialist powers(Poland, Sweden, Spain) you would have thought that Denmark would be more scared of the threat of invasion?
However there is a darker influence infiltrating Denmark, that threat is the SERBS.
Serb PTO groups make regular attacks on the innocent nation of Denmark(Almost a monthly occurence)

Unfortunetly this threat has caused true Danish citizens to become highly paranoid preventing friendly citizens (who wish to benefit Denmark) from becoming citizens. This may be the cause of the low Danish population as with a 4 week waiting period and the need to be active on the forums to gain citizenship may drive many potential citizens away from Denmark.

Personally i left Russia where i earned about 0.3 gold everyday(Which i consider to be quite alot 🙂 ) to Denmark where the economy is very weak. Q1 guns have a very high price along with nearly all products in Denmark

I ask the people of Denmark to accept the citizenship requests of me and my friend 'Kloned one'?
Please Denmark open your borders to the world and allow innocent citizens such as myself to gain citizenship without this lengthy wait. Not every person is a Serb(The vast majority of us arent)

Remember that Denmark is surrounded by highly imperialist powers, the only way to maintane Denmark as a independent state will be to join one of the great alliances or open the Danish borders and see a influx of happy and innocent citizens.

Thankyou for reading my article and i hope you support my suggestion 🙂