Denmark Wins Historic Battle

Day 1,477, 04:17 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

The 6th of December 2011 is truly a day to enjoy. For a very long time Denmark has been under attack by Serbia and their Serbian PTOers. Serbia decided some time ago to ask if they could help Denmark. The one asking was Kibla, a high ranking leader in ONE.

After being assured by Sweden that this was truly to help us, we let them in. That was a big mistake. If you want more information about what has happened since, feel free to read previous articles by Flitwick.

At 9 o'clock CET on the 5th the battle started. For the first time we were going to see, if Denmark was still in power and if so, by how much.
It was a close battle. Even though the Serbs are only 14 people officially in Denmark, they managed to get 62 votes at one time. This is pretty amazing, as they do not communicate in a language any Dane understands. So how did they get the votes?
Several ways. They have paid a lot of gold to get them, they have created a lot of extra accounts and they have cheated.

We have known about the cheating for quite some time now, but it has been very hard to do anything about it. We have reported 100s of multiple accounts to the admins and many have been banned. We feared the worst during yesterday evening, when Shomy Prevera kept getting more and more votes. If Maine Coon Got two, shomy did too. Almost simultaneously.

Denmark was fighting with everything they had. We have gotten many new people into the country. Finland has been very helpful lending us citizens to vote for us. And we suddenly had some help from an unexpected side. A Polish guy asked if he could help. Some of his friends had not voted yet and he wanted to help Denmark, as he loathed the Serbian PTOers. I knew the guy from my time in Poland and was pretty sure I could trust him. We took a chance and had three extra voters.

But even with the immense help from Finland and now the three Poles, Shomy kept leading. At four o'clock in the morning (5 hours before the election ended) we simply threw in the towel and said, we cannot beat this. It is impossible to fight the cheating and buying of votes going on. Off to bed then.

At 7 o'clock things had turned out for the better.
PTOer Aleksanderson11 that claimed to be an American friend of Denmark, but still had sold his citizen-approval to the Serbs was permanently banned for multiaccounting. At the same time he was removed as a candidate and removed as party president of Aurora. Which essentially means, that the party he PTOed 10 days ago is now on Danish hands again. Uros188 has become party president and Uros188 is a good guy.

And when Aleksanderson11 was banned, interesting things happened. Shomy Prevera went from 62 votes to 43 votes. 19 had been removed due to cheating. Suddenly Denmark was well in the lead in the election. We have not cheated, so none of our votes went missing. One more vote has been removed after the election, so even though Shomy magically got 6 more votes during the last hours of the election, he did not win.

The Serbs have spent 100s of gold on trying to win this election and they did not succeed. At the same time many multiaccounts were banned. We can only hope, that the banning of multiaccounts has not ended. Banning more will be the end of the Denmark - Serbia war fought on Danish political ground. Another victory for Denmark.

We once again ask all Serbs to leave Denmark. If you have nowhere to go, just apply for CS in Sweden. They will be happy to let you in.

As a final note I want to thank everyone that voted for Maine Coon. I want to thank all our allies that helped us with this election. I know how big a sacrifice it has been to you. Many hours spend on contacting people, moving them, getting them to vote and you have not gotten anything in return.

All we can do is say thank you. Paying you would just be us PTOing our own country. And we are too proud to do such a thing, even though we would not be blamed, If we did.

Thank you all,
Flitwick of eDenmark