Denmark Fighting To Free Scania From Its Oppressors

Day 1,472, 01:27 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

Yesterday I asked ONE for help, again. The answer was, there is nothing we can do, the Serbs are not under our control.

This is a little strange. The PTO group in Denmark was approved by a high ranking person in ONE Head Quarters, Kibla.
Kibla approved them and told Lonestar, that they could be trusted. Lonestar then told me, that the group could be trusted.
After the PTO Group said they wanted the Country President post as payment for their work (this happened after we had let them in) Kibla was contacted and told, that this was unacceptable. Nothing was done.
Well, that is not even true. After this, Kibla has given full command to the PTO group to Wlada123. He now informs Lonestar, that he is not responsible for what is going on.

So, Kibla sends in a PTO group and then give away responsibility and wash his hands.
My view is, that this was planned all along by the Serbian leader in ONE HQ. He played Sweden and he then made Sweden play Denmark. How Sweden can accept this kind of behavior from their allied is beyond my understanding.

Enough is enough. ONE sent this group to Denmark and lied to the Danish leadership when it did so. You do not lie to your allies. And you have lied to both Sweden and Denmark.

Denmark still regards Poland as our friends. But we are disappointed in the Polish leadership, which has not stepped in and told the Serbs to play nice. We always supported you Poland. Even when you attacked Denmark for training, I defended your actions and told my people, that you did not mean any harm. You should have helped us in this case. We are supposed to be friends.

Denmark also regard Sweden as friends, but here we are even more disappointed. Sweden has been played and lied to by their alliance and still they do nothing. The Swedish President do not care about this at all.

Denmark has therefore taken a very drastic decision. We are one of the smallest (if not the smallest) country in the world, and now we will take on a country in the strongest alliance in the world, Sweden.

Swedish President Jim Parsons do not care about Danish happiness. But what he has forgotten is, that Scania once was a part of Denmark and to this day, many, if not most, Skåningar sees themselves as more Danish than Swedish. Do not worry any longer Scanians. We are coming to free you and let you back into the country you hold so dear, Denmark.

We know all Scanians are going to fight for Denmark against Sweden in this action. And they will do it with pride and honour.
Dear Skåningar, fight for your liberation from your oppressors, Sweden. Fight to get away from the Swedish President that only cares about himself and his own well-being. For him everything is fine, as long as he is happy. Your happiness does not matter to him. You are not worthy of his time.

Fight for Freedom. Fight against the President, that likes Serbian occupation of smaller countries.

And to all the Danes and the people we hold so dear. Fight against Sweden. Fight for both our freedom and for Scanians. They do not deserve to be under Swedish ruling. They have done nothing wrong. They are good people.

Best Regards,