Demokratene velkommer frenemies til eNorge!

Day 741, 10:50 Published in Norway Norway by Ailurus fulgens
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"Congratulations, your citizenship application in Norway has been accepted! You now have the right to vote, join a political party and run in elections.
thanx = Kenneth Bloodaxe"

These are the words spoken by Turkish immigrant LaCiVerTLi after repeatedly spamming the inboxes of Congressmen, begging for citizenship passes, lying about being Norwegian to President Cirno, plagiarizing the Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK) image in his avatar, and then...

...being swiftly granted Norwegian citizenship by Congressmedlem Kenneth Bloodaxe!

"your welcome LaCiVerTLi🙂 i hope you will like yourself in eNorway" replied Mr. Bloodaxe." width="100" height="100">

Kenneth Bloodaxe is the founder and party leader of Demokratene, a new political party that has an unoriginal program statement that almost completely mimics the program statement of the now-defunct Gullpartiet. During the previous congressional election, he offered every voter two moving tickets to fly to the Ostlandet region of eNorway to vote for him. Kenneth secured victory and now sits on the eNorwegian Congress.

eTurkey, a high-profile former member of PEACE Global Community is a known enemy of eNorway and its parent alliance EDEN. Turkey is currently allied with several prominent members of PEACE, including Hungary. Within the past year, eNorway was politically taken over by PEACE state Hungary before the citizenship module was introduced. The citizenship module is a relatively new feature given to elected Congressmen that allows each member to grant a citizenship pass to one individual. These passes are limited and must be used sparingly, as they were introduced with the intention of averting and minimizing the risk of political takeovers (PTOs).

Yesterday, Kenneth used his one citizenship pass to roll out the red carpet for LaCiVerTLi, a lying, plagiarizing immigrant from an enemy nation into Norway's verdant lands, and it seems that Congress is not nearly as happy about this as Kenneth and LaCiVerTLi.

"Buying PEACE members for your party Kenneth? That's low, even for you..." says Cirno, President of Norway. Herr Cirno, a member of Binary Party, has been one of the most outspoken opponents of Kenneth's decision.

"im not buying anyone cirn😇 and give this guy a chance🙂 " replies Kenneth, sticking to his story about giving every individual a chance regardless of political affiliation. He then resorted to justifying his actions through accusing rival political party Teknokratene of importing "Nazi" guys, trying to draw a parallel to granting citizenship to LaCiVerTLi." width="100" height="100">

Some Congressmedlems have even gone as far as nearly accusing Kenneth of treason.

"This is not good at all," says Binary Party Congressman Sebulba. "It is very close to being treason, and if this is the way you and your party want to portray yourselves, I really hope the citizens of Norway will open their eyes, and realise what Demokratene in congress will do to this country..."

Now, President Cirno has indicated that Kenneth Bloodaxe has plans to invite more Turks into Norway.

"Why give liars any chance? And why are you trying to get his turkish friends approved as well?" asks the president.

In the midst of the ongoing controversy LaCiVerTLi states with improvised communication skills, "I Am No take over😒"

This is the StassiNet newspaper reporting live from the offices of hX.Stassi in Ostlandet, eNorway." width="150" height="150">
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This just in! Congressmedlem Andreas Stassivik has reported receiving more spam from "Baran'S Organization," the parent organization of LaCiVerTLi with the message, "please apply citizenship romans and bgsoft..."" width="150" height="150">
At the time of posting, the organization avatar is another rebranded FSK logo with the words "Baran'S Organization" crudely written down the middle.


Update: At 1100 eRepublik (Pacific Standard) time, most online Congress members have reported receiving similar spam from Turks.

Racerro, a Congressmedlem of Teknokratene, has informed Congress that Kenneth Bloodaxe is now sending in-game messages to other Congressmedlems asking to invite more Turks using their limited citizenship passes.

Here is an actual message from Kenneth to Racerro:
Halla😉 en fyr som heter bgsoft lurte på om jeg kunne godkjente citizenship requesten hans. jeg kan ikke godkjende fler desverre:/ kunne du gjort det🙂?


Update: An edit was made at 1315 PST that corrected the wording of a potentially serious accusation against Kenneth Bloodaxe regarding the distribution of moving tickets to voters during the previous congressional election. Objectively speaking, there is no reason to suspect that Mr. Bloodaxe had performed any ethically questionable activities to win his seat in Congress. Please refer to the comments section to read his rebuttal to the aforementioned statements and visit !

Update: December 4, 2009: LaCiVerTLi is now dead, banned for illegal multi-abuse. A history of events leading up to his death can be read on his eRepublik citizen wiki profile:

Rest in PEACE.